Kolkata, West Bengal
Kolkata, West Bengal
Under Graduation
3 years
Full Time
₹ 16,110
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
₹ 5,370 | ₹ 5,370 | ₹ 5,370 |
Geography [GEO], Mathematics [MATH], Psychology [PSYCH], Computer Science [COMP SCI], Biological Sciences [BIOL SCI], Chemistry [CHEM], Physics [PHY], Physical Science [PHY SCI], Biochemistry [BIO CHEM], Physiology [PHYSIO], Botany [BOT], Electronics [ELEC], Zoology [ZOLO], Biology [BIO], Food and Nutrition [FN]
Post Graduation
2 years
Full Time
₹ 33,000
Year 1 | Year 2 |
₹ 16,500 | ₹ 16,500 |
Geography [GEO], Zoology [ZOLO]
Under Graduation
3 years
Full Time
₹ 13,860
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
₹ 4,620 | ₹ 4,620 | ₹ 4,620 |
Bengali [BENG], Geography [GEO], Sanskrit [SANS], English [ENG], Philosophy [PHIL], Economics [ECO], Political Science [POL SCI], History [HIS], Hindi [HIND], Journalism [JOUR]
Under Graduation
3 years
Full Time
Bengali [BENG], Geography [GEO], Sanskrit [SANS], English [ENG], Philosophy [PHIL], Psychology [PSYCH], Economics [ECO], Political Science [POL SCI], History [HIS]
Under Graduation
3 years
Full Time
₹ 18,270
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
₹ 6,090 | ₹ 6,090 | ₹ 6,090 |
Geography [GEO], Mathematics [MATH], Computer Science [COMP SCI], Chemistry [CHEM], Physics [PHY], Biochemistry [BIO CHEM], Physiology [PHYSIO], Botany [BOT], Electronics [ELEC], Zoology [ZOLO], Food and Nutrition [FN]