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AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Results: Dates, Merit List, Reservation Criteria

Updated On - June 14 2022 by Vanshika Johari

AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Result will be declared in the month of July. The merit List will be based on the marks obtained by the candidate in the qualifying examination. Only those candidates who are able to score more than qualifying marks will be called for the counselling process. Counselling session for AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 will begin after the declaration of merit list on the official website. Candidates will be called for the counselling session at the Annamalai University. Applicants also have to qualify the selection criteria of Institute such as Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Final selection is done through overall performance of candidate. 

AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Results

AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 result will be declared online on the official website. Candidate must keep a regular check on the declaration of results. To check the AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 results, candidate must follow below mentioned steps:

  • Firstly, candidate must click on the official website link.
  • After that, candidate must enter his/her log in details and he/she will be redirected to AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 results.
  • Candidate must save and secure a hardcopy of AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 results for further proceedings.

Reservation Criteria for AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022

AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 selects candidates under seven categories for B. Pharmacy, B. Pharmacy (Lateral Entry), D. Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy, Doctor of Pharmacy. These seven categories are: OC, BC, BC (Muslim), MBC/DNC, SC, SCA and ST reservations for these categories are made as per the rules and norms set by Government of Tamil Nadu. Following is the table showing the structure of reservation followed by AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022:

AU AIMEE Pharmacy Reservation Criteria
Open Competition (OC)31%
Backward Classes (BC)26.50%
Backward Classes Muslim (BCM)3.50%
Most Backward Class/ Denotified Communities (MBC/DNC)20%
Scheduled Caste (SC)15%
Scheduled Caste (SCA) - Arunthathiyars3%
Scheduled Tribes (ST)1%
Persons with Orthopedically Physical Disability3% of total number of seats available
Note: Candidates with disability other than locomotory disability of lower limb will not be considered under the special reservation category of Persons with Orthopedically Physical Disabilities.

Normalization of Marks in AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Result

Normalization of marks in AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 for courses like B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy will be done on the basis of marks obtained by the candidate in the relevant subjects in qualifying examination conducted by various boards and authorities.

The marks obtained in the qualifying examination conducted by various boards and authorities will be equated with the qualifying examination conducted by State Board of Tamil Nadu.

Here is the detailed information on the method of normalization of marks for B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy courses in AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022:

  • Candidate’s highest score in each subject from various boards will be equated with his/her highest relative score in each subject in the examination conducted by State Board of Tamil Nadu.
  • The relative marks obtained by the candidates will be determined accordingly.
  • After normalization of marks in relevant subjects in qualifying examination conducted by different boards, the candidates who have qualified from the different board will be merged into a common merit list.
  • Candidate who has qualified from national board such as CBSE, ICSE, etc., his/her highest score obtained on national level will be considered alone.

Ranking System in AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Result

For those who intend to take admission in B. Pharmacy course must focus on the following points to understand the ranking system followed by AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022:

  • Ranking will be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained by the eligible candidates in the science subjects in the qualifying examinations reduced to the base of 200 marks. The marks obtained through different boards will be taken into account after normalization.
  • Ranking will be done on the basis of total marks obtained in science subjects after normalization of marks computed to a maximum of 200.

a) The marks obtained in the science subjects in the HSC qualifying examination as a whole in the first appearance will alone be taken into consideration for the allotment of seats to the candidates and the improvement marks in 10+2 examinations of any year will not be considered.

b) Also the marks obtained through part by part appearance in 10+2 examination will not be considered including for native of Tamil Nadu who have passed any other equivalent examination from other boards/states.

c) If claiming of improvement marks for selection to Para Medical Courses is detected at any point of time it will lead to cancellation of selection and removal of his/ her name from rank list.

d) Any application submitted without the latest self-attested photocopy of the first appearance mark sheet of the qualifying examination will be summarily rejected.

Candidates who are seeking admission in D. Pharmacy course should consider following points for the ranking system that will be followed by AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022:

  • Candidate who have passed from boards other than national boards shall request their boards to furnish maximum marks scored in relevant subjects. If the marks are not made available before the ranking system, the maximum marks will be considered as 100%.
  • Candidate’s normalized marks will be considered for minimum eligibility.
  • Merit list will be prepared based on the total marks out of 200.

Inter se Merit (B. Pharmacy)

Inter se merit among candidates who score same marks will be determined on the following priority order:

  • Percentage in Biology or Botany and Zoology taken together in +2 examination.
  • Percentage in Chemistry in +2 examination.
  • Percentage in Fourth optional subject in +2 examination
  • Date of Birth – weightage will be given to seniority in age.
  • Date of Birth – weightage will be given to seniority in age.

Inter se Merit (D. Pharmacy)

If more than one candidate gets same marks, inter-se merit among such candidate will be determined in priority order mentioned below:

  1. Percentage of marks in Mathematics
  2. Percentage of marks in Physics
  3. Percentage of marks in  fourth optional subject
  4. Date of birth (candidate who is elder will be given preference)
  5. Random number assigned (higher number will be preferred)

AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Result Merit List

Merit list for both B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy will be available on the official website of Annamalai University. Candidates must check regularly and visit to get the merit list.

Candidates will be called for the counselling procedure at Annamalai University after the declaration of merit list. Candidates may note that the merit list for B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy will be out on the official website under following heads:

  • Rank of the candidate
  • Application number
  • Name of the candidate
  • Community to which he/she belongs
  • Total marks (cut-off marks)
  • Community rank

AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 Counselling & Seat Allocation Process

Counselling session for AU AIMEE Pharmacy 2022 will begin after the declaration of merit list on the official website. Candidates will be called for the counselling session at the Annamalai University.

  • Selection of the candidate will be made according to the rules of Government of Tamil Nadu under 69% reservation rule as explained earlier.
  • Special reservation for differently abled candidates has also been made. 3% of the total number of seats have been reserved for them.
  • Counselling session for differently abled candidates will be held first.
  • A general candidate must pay counselling fee of 2000 INR for B. Pharmacy course and 500 INR for D. Pharmacy course.
  • Candidate belonging to SC/SCA/ST category must pay 500 INR as counselling fee for B. Pharmacy course and 250 INR for D. Pharmacy course.
  • Counselling fee must be paid in a form of DD in the favor of “The Registrar, Annamalai University”.
  • Counselling fee is non-refundable.
  • Candidate must wisely choose the option during counselling session as it remains unchangeable after that.
  • Candidates must not fail to attend the counselling session. In case candidate is unable to attend it he/she under special circumstances his/her parents shall seek permission from the authority to attend it on the candidate’s behalf.
  • If candidate or his/her parent could not attend the counselling on the scheduled time but attends the counselling behind the scheduled time but on scheduled date, he/she will be offered the seat if available at that time in the respective category. However such candidates shall not claim the original seniority in the merit list.
  • After the seats have been allotted, candidate who has paid the requisite counselling fee shall be placed in the waiting list, if he/she does not get admission. In case seats remain vacant he/she can join in the later stages after the eligibility criteria is fulfilled.
  • Candidates seeking admission under special reservation category must note that any sort of misinterpretation of facts or breach of eligibility criteria may lead to cancellation of admission.
  • For any changes or modifications candidates must contact the authorities by visiting the official website.

Counselling schedule and Venue

Counselling for the courses of B. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy will begin in the first week of August, 2022. Venue for the counselling session will be:

Administrative Office
Annamalai University Campus,
Annamalainagar- 608 002,
Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu.

Counselling for candidates belonging to Special Reservation Category will be held first. Following which counselling for all communities will be held.

Counselling Call Letter

Candidates must download the counselling call letter form the official website. Candidates are sent an individual SMS confirming the counselling call letter’s arrival on the official website. Here is the list of documents that a candidate should carry with him/her to the counselling session:

  • 10th Mark sheet
  • HSC/Equivalent Mark sheet
  • Transfer certificate
  • HSC Hall Ticket
  • Permanent community certificate card for ST/SC/SCA/MBC and DNC/BC/BCM.
  • Nativity certificate (if applicable)
  • 3 recent passport size photographs
  • First graduate certificate and first graduate joint declaration (if applicable)

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