KLEE - Exam Pattern
Kerala Law Entrance Examination
Computer Based Test
Created On - February 22 2022 by Shilpee Ghosh
Before beginning their preparation, candidates should review the whole KLEE 2022 Exam Pattern shown below:
Candidates taking the KLEE 2022 entrance exam should be aware of the marking scheme. It will assist students in focusing the areas that carry higher marks and preparing for the KLEE entrance examination 2022 in the appropriate manner.
Question Sections | Number of Questions | Total Marks |
Aptitude for Legal Studies | 70 | 70 |
Arithmetic and Mental Ability | 25 | 25 |
General English | 60 | 60 |
General Knowledge | 45 | 45 |
Total | 200 | 200 |
The KLEE 2022 has a common syllabus for both the 5-year and 3-year LLB degrees. However, in the case of a 3-year LLB, the difficulty level of the test paper will be graduation level, as opposed to an intermediate level examination in KLEE 5-year LLB. In the table below, candidates may find the KLEE syllabus and significant topics.
Following the successful submission of the Application Form, the authorized organization will release the KLEE 2022 Admit Card on its official website. Check out the following points for more information:
On the official website of CEE, the KLEE 2022 outcome will be announced. The outcome will be announced upon the release of the final merit list. In the event that two candidates receive the same score, the authority will use the tie-breaking criteria to break the tie. For the next step, the candidate must print the KLEE 2022 result.
The candidate with the highest score in the section 'Aptitude for Legal Studies will be ranked first.
If the tie still remains, greater scores in the 'English' section will be taken into account for the merit list.
If a tie still persists, the applicant with the higher age will be given preference in the merit list.
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