Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test 2020

Sikkim TET - Preparation Tips

Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test

Pen & Paper Mode

Sikkim TET 2022 Preparation Tips: Tips to crack the exam

Created On - March 07 2022 by Shilpee Ghosh

Sikkim Human Resource Development Department has established the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test (STET) to identify qualified individuals for teacher jobs in the state, including primary teachers for grades I to V and elementary (graduate) teachers for grades VI to VIII. Those who aspire to teach in Sikkim's schools will apply through the Sikkim TET based on their qualifications. Each year, a large number of individuals apply for the Sikkim TET Examination, and applicants are chosen based on their performance in the examination. This content will provide applicants with extensive information about the Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test (STET), as well as Sikkim TET preparation recommendations.

Sikkim TET 2022 Preparation Tips

The candidates should follow the Sikkim TET preparation tips in order to score qualified marks in the Examination, and the preparation tips are also listed below for the candidates.

Organize your time

It is vital for candidates to manage their time and to create a schedule/timetable in such a way that each subject receives equal attention. As each component has a different weighting of scores, applicants can target all of them.


Self-study is required during the examination period, and applicants must verify whether they prefer it. They must schedule the majority of their time for self-study. Candidates will benefit from it if they want to get good grades.  Candidates should not be required to engage in intuition and coaching as a result of which they do not have enough time for self-preparation; yet, candidates must do so.

Solve the Question Paper from the Previous Year

For better examination preparation, the applicant must solve the previous year's question paper. Applicants will be able to understand all of the themes and subjects by completing the question paper. 

Be Self-Assured and Calm

Students should not become tense as the examination date approaches, as nervousness can cause applicants to forget information. Applicants should be confident when studying for the Sikkim TET Exam, and they should also take care of their health by eating enough food and drinking enough water. They must avoid putting too much pressure on themselves for the exam because it will hinder their ability to learn and memorize.


Candidates will not have additional time for revision due to the lengthy curriculum, and they may forget or miss crucial topics taught, so revision is critical for candidates. Students should strive to finish their coursework within the first two or three days of the examination. Applicants should devote the last two or three days of preparation solely to review, as this will undoubtedly aid them in achieving qualified results.

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Form Start Date:

10 Feb 2023

Form End Date:

14 Mar 2023

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30 Mar 2023

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₹ 400

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