WBJEE JELET - Syllabus
West Bengal Joint Entrance for Lateral Entry
Pen & Paper Mode
Updated On - July 04 2022 by Vanshika Johari
WBJEE JELET2022 syllabus is listed below.
A). Matrix and Vector
Matrix: Definition, the order of a matrix, leading element, Principal diagonals. Types of matrix- Null matrix, square matrix, Identity matrix, Upper and lower triangular matrix and Symmetric matrix.
The determinant of a square matrix: Minors and co-factors, a procedure for evaluation, properties of determinants, Evaluation of determinants by Ohio's method, problems.
Vector: Addition and subtractions of vectors, multiplication of a vector and a scalar, position vector of a point, ratio formula, rectangular resolution of a vector, dot and cross product, Geometrical interpretation, distributive laws, and applications.
B). Numerical Methods
Meaning of interpolation, difference table, Newton's forward interpolation formula, problems.
Introduction to numerical integration- Formula for composite trapezoidal and Simpon's 1/3 rule- related problems.
Numerical solution of the system of the linear equation- Gauss elimination method(no deductions) and their problems.
C). Differential equations
Definition, order and degree of a differential equation, Differential equation of 1st order and 1st degree, separation of variables, homogeneous differential equations, equations reducible to the exact form. Linear equations- Bernoulli's equations. Differential equations of second order with constant coefficients- complementary functions and particular integral- problems.
D). Partial differentiation
The function of two or more variables, definition and meaning of partial derivatives, Homogenous functions- Euler's theorem on homogenous functions- problems.
E). Probability and Statistics
Introduction, Random experiment, sample space, events. Classical and axiomatic definition of probability, addition and multiplication theorem- related problems, Statistics- frequency distribution. The measure of central tendency - Mean, Median, Mode, Standard deviation- simple problems.
A). Kirchoff's law
Kirchoff's voltage and current laws, Star delta transformations- simple problems
B). A.C fundamentals
Concept and significance of R.M.S value, peak value, average value, crest factor and form factor of sinusoidal votage/current- equation of instantaneous value of sinusoidal votage/current- simple problems of all.
C). A.C Series circuit
R-L and R-C series circuit, power factor, power triangle simple problems.
D). Storage cell, transformers and motors
Basic principles of the storage cell, DC motors, Transformers, AC generators and motors(No deduction and problems).
E). Magnetic circuit
Concept of the magnetic circuit, definitions and units of magnetic flux, M.M.T and reluctance, the analogy with the electrical circuit- sample problems.
F). Motor starter
Need of motor starter, mentioning some names useful for D.C motors and A.C motors.
G). Motors for industrial uses
The simple electrical circuit for motor installation, using block diagram for different components.
H). Power generation, transmission and distribution
A brief idea about the power generation, transmission and distribution using block diagrams of the different stages.
I). Voltage stabilizer and UPS system
A brief idea about the operational principle of voltage stabilizer and UPS system(no description of the internal circuit)
J). House wiring
The simple idea of house wiring starting from the commencement of supply, using necessary diagrams, the role of fuses and MCB, fault finding and earthing concept.
K). Lighting schemes
Types of lighting schemes and factors considered for designing lighting schemes, i.e illumination level, uniformity of illumination, the color of light, glare, mounting height, the spacing between luminaries, and colour of surrounding walls, etc.
L). Wattmater and Meggar
Uses and connection diagram of Wattmater, use of meggar with the circuit diagram.
M). Electrical energy and measurement
Electrical energy measurement(no mathematical deduction and description of apparatus)- Circuit diagram of single-phase energy meter connection.
A). Introduction to computer
A brief history of evaluation of computers, various components of computers(Brief knowledge),
Hardware- CPU, Input-output system, primary memory and secondary memory.
Peripherals devices- plotters, printers, scanners, digital cameras, web camera sound card and speaker systems, dictaphone
Software Operating Systems- System software like compilers and device drivers, and various application software(only definitions).
B). Information Representatives
Number Systems- Binary, octal and Hexadecimal
Conversion of the number systems, signed and the unsigned representation
Binary arithmetic and compliments,
Character Codes- ASCII, BCD and Gray codes
C). Basics of software
Classification of software systems- system software and application software
Basic concepts of Compilers, Interpreters, assemblers, and device drives
Operating Systems- Single users, Multi-users, graphical user interfaces, and characters user interfaces.
Case studies on MS-DOS windows
D) Introduction to programming
Algorithm and flow chart, different types of programming languages- machine level, assembly level, and high-level languages(basic concepts languages only), a brief introduction to high-level languages including C, Basics of C language, branching and loping systems, arrays and user-defined functions.
E) Computer networking and internet
Basics of computer networking_ LAN, MAN, WAN(Definitions only)
Client-Server architecture(elementary level)
Internetworking concepts of world wide web, domain name systems emails, web browsing, uses of search engines, web site hosting at the elementary level.
A). Air and environment
Man and environment. Overview of socio-economic structure and occupational exposures, the scope of environmental engineering, pollution problem due to urbanization and industrialization
B). Air pollution
Causes of air pollution, types and sources of air pollutants, Climatic and Meteorological effect on air pollution concentration, the formation of smog and fumigation.
C). Analysis of air pollutants
Collection of gaseous air pollutants, collection of participate pollutants, analysis of air pollutants like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, oxidants and ozone, Hydrocarbons- particulate matter
D). Air pollution control measures and equipment
Control of particulate emission, control of gaseous emission, fuel gas treatment methods- Stacks gravitational and inertial separation, settling chambers, Dynamic separators. Cyclones, filtrations, spray chambers, liquid scrubbing, packed towers, Orifice and Venturi scrubbers, Electrostatic Precipitators. Gas or solid absorption, thermal decomposition.
E). Methods and approach of air pollution control
Controlling smoke nuisance- develop air quality criteria and practical emission standards- creating zones suitable for industry based on micrometeorology of air area- introducing artificial methods of removal of particulate and matters of waste before discharging to open the atmosphere.
F). Water and environ water sources
Origin of wastewater- Type of Water pollutants and their effects.
G). Different sources of water pollution
Biological pollution(point as well as non-point sources), Chemical pollutants: toxic organic and inorganic chemicals, Oxygen demanding substances, Physical pollutants: Thermal waste, Radioactive waste, Physiological pollutants, Taste affecting substances, other forming substances.
H). Water pollution and its control
Adverse effects on Human health and environment, aquatic life, animal life, plant life- water pollution measurement techniques, water pollution control equipment and instruments, Indian standards for water pollution control.
I), Soil polluting agencies and effect of solution
Liquid and solid wastes, Domestic and industrial wastes, Pesticides, toxics: Inorganic and organic pollutants, Soil deterioration- poor fertility, septicity, groundwater pollution, Concentration of infecting agents in soil
J). Solid waste disposal
Dumping domestic and industrial solid wastes: Advantages and disadvantages, Incarnation: Advantages and disadvantages, Sanitary land field: Advantages and disadvantages, Management of careful and sanitary disposal of solid wastes.
K). Noise and environmental management system, noise pollution and control
Noise pollution: Intensity, duration, types of industrial noise, Three effects of noise, Noise measuring and control, permissible noise limits.
L). Environmental legislations, authorities and systems
Air and water pollution control acts and rules(salient features only), functions of State and Central Pollution Control Boards, environmental management system(salient features only)
Module 1. Introduction, concepts of engineering mechanics, Statics and dynamics, Scalar quality, Vector quality, addition and subtraction of vectors- basic units, derived units, SI units, principles of dimensional homogeneity.
Module 2. System of forces, the definition of a force, linear representation of a force, a system of co-planar forces, Parallelogram law of forces, Composition and resolution, the transmissibility of forces, action and reaction, triangle law and Polygon law of forces, determination of resultant by an analytical and graphical method with equal train space diagram, vector diagram.
Module 3. Movements and couples, the definition of movement of a force about a point, Physical significance of a movement, movement of a system of parallel and inclined forces, Varignon's theorem, the definition of movement of a couple, Physical significance of couples, Equivalent couples- Resultant of any number of coplanar couples, Replacement of a force about a point by an equal like parallel force together with a couple, properties of couples.
Module 4. Condition of an equilibrium, Lami's theorem, Triangle law and polygon law of equilibrium, conditions of equilibrium of a co-planer system of concurrent forces- conditions of equilibrium of a co-planer system of non-concurrent parallel forces, conditions of equilibrium of the co-planer system of non-concurrent non-parallel forces(simple problems excluding statically indeterminant).
Module 5. Friction- definition, useful and harmful effects of friction, laws of static friction, coefficient of friction, Angle of friction, angle of repose, the equilibrium of a body on a rough inclined surface with and without the external force.
Module 6. Centre of gravity: Concept and definition, the centre of mass, centroid.
Methods of finding out centroid simple area by
1. Geometrical consideration
2. Method of movements
Finding the centroid of the following areas by any of the below methods:
1. Uniform triangular lamina
2. Uniform rectangular lamina
3. Uniform circular lamina
Module 7. Moment of inertia
Module 8. Simple Machines
Module 9. Rectilinear motion
Module 10. Curvilinear motion
Module 11. Work, power, energy
Module 1. Simple stress and stain
Module 2. Shear force and bending movement
Module 3. Bending stress in beams
Module 4. Definition of beams
Module 5. Columns and struts
Module 1. Watershed Hydrology
Module 2. Surveying and levelling
Module 3. Fluid Mechanics
Module 4. Soil Mechanics
Module 5. Soil and water conservation
Module 6. Groundwater, pump and well technology
Module 7. Irrigation and Drainage
Module 8. Building materials and structures
Module 9. Remote sensing and GIS
Module 1. Crop production technology
Module 2. Farm machinery
Module 3. Farm engines and tractors
Module 4. Renewable energy sources
Module 5. Thermodynamics and heat engines
There are some preparation tips for candidates that they must follow while preparing for the exam.
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