State University
Bhiwani, Haryana
State University
Bhiwani, Haryana
Updated On - July 07 2020 by Sajjan Brahma
Chaudhary Bansi Lal University Bhiwani will release the Even semester result once the exam is conducted by the university. CBLU Bhiwani provides an opportunity to revaluate the copy of the Examination answer sheet of B.Sc(Hons), M.Sc and all other courses for the students who are not satisfied with the marks secured by them in the semester exam. All the candidates have to visit the official website and check the respective courses and year/semester exam result through the roll number and registration number.
Candidates are advised to check out the details printed on semester exam result of the Chaudhary Bansi Lal University Bhiwani.
Chaudhary Bansi Lal University Bhiwani provides an opportunity by which candidates who are not satisfied by the marks secured by them can apply for revaluation or may demand for the copy of examination answer sheet. The forms of revaluation will be available on-line on the official website of the university. Under no circumstances will the University accept incomplete forms. The applicant would only be expected to apply for an answer sheet revaluation within the dates specified by the authority. No one has the right to request a re-evaluation of any other applicant's response sheet. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.
The result of rechecking shall also be declared within a month, students can check the result after revaluation from the official website by following the steps given below to check revaluation result:
Chaudhary Bansi Lal University Bhiwani is known as (CBLU Bhiwani). CBLU Bhiwani is a state university established by the government of Haryana under Act No. 25 of 2014. It has been recognized by the University Grants Commission under 2F. The university offers postgraduate and research level courses in the disciplines of Physical Science, Life Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, Management and Commerce, with a yearly intake of over 1200 students. Chaudhary Bansi Lal University (CBLU) is a boon for the academically rather deprived a region of Haryana and holds great promise for the intellectual and academic boom for the people of Bhiwani.