Gargi College, University of Delhi, New Delhi (Gargi College New Delhi) - Cutoff



New Delhi, Delhi



New Delhi, Delhi

Gargi College Cut Off 2020: Category and Course wise Cut Off

Updated On - July 11 2020 by Khusboo

Gargi College Cut Off 2020: Gargi Collge Cut Off 2020 is supposed to be released soon by the University of Delhi in the online mode. Candidates seeking admission to different programs at Gargi College 2020 at Delhi University are available on the college's official website as well as on the DU UG online portal. Candidates who fulfil all the requirements besides scoring the Gargi College cut off 2020 can appear in the further admission process. Candidates can collect the call letters and interview schedule from the college’s website. Once the interviews are over, Gargi College will release the list of shortlisted candidates on the college’s website. Furthermore, the university will verify the document to claim the seat to claim the seats to qualified and shortlisted candidates. Candidates can check all the details related to Gargi College cut off such as cut off dates, previous year cut-offs and admission process from this article.
The dates for the release of several cut-off lists of Gargi College are as follows:
  • First cut-off list - 28 June 2019
  • Second cut-off list -04 July 2019
  • Third cut-off list - 09 July 2019
  • Fourth cut-off list -15 July 2019
  • Fifth cut-off list - 20 July 2019

Latest Updates

  • Gargi College admission form 2020 has been made available from 07 July 2020.

Gargi College Fifth Cut Off List 2019-20

Gargi College Fifth Cut Off List 2019-20
5B.A (Hons) Applied PsychologyClosed92Closed90.591Closed
5B.A (Hons) Economics96.259285.5938792
5B.A (Hons) English95.2590.5ClosedClosedClosed95.25
5B.A (Hons) HindiClosed78Closed676969
5B.A (Hons) HistoryClosed89.5ClosedClosedClosed87
5B.A (Hons) PhilosophyClosed82.5808181.588
5B.A (Hons) Political Science95.5ClosedClosedClosedClosed86
5B.A (Hons) SanskritClosedClosedClosed454545
5B.Com (Hons)95.75Closed84.25758390
5B.Sc (Hons) Botany8985Closed746078
5B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosed92.3388.33768393
5B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed92.25ClosedClosed82Closed
5B.Sc (Hons) MicrobiologyClosed9087Closed7889
5B.Sc (Hons) Physical Science89.338882857288
5B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosed92.6687.66757885
5B.Sc (Hons) Zoology91.338682.33786183
5B.A (English and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (Economics and Computer Application)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (ESB and Computer Applicalion)Closed8583838389
5B.A (Philosophy and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (English and Philosophy)Closed8885858590
5B.A (English and History)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (Math and ESB)Closed8583838387
5B.A (Economics and Math)Closed8885858590
5B.A (Economics and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (Philosophy and History)Closed8885858589
5B.Sc (Life Sciences)Closed8376695883
5B.A (History and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (History and German)Closed8583838389
5B.A (political Science and German)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (English and German)Closed8685848488
5B.A (Hindi and History)Closed8482828286
5B.A (Math and Computer Application)Closed8482828287
5B.A (Economics and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (Economics and ESB)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (Philosophy and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
5B.A (Hindi and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed

Gargi College Fourth Cut Off list 2019-20

Gargi College Fourth Cut Off List 2019-20
4B.A. (Hons) EconomicsClosed9386Closed8890
4B.A. (Hons) Applied PsychologyClosed92.5Closed90.591Closed
4B.A. (Hons) EnglishClosedClosedClosed86Closed95.5
4B.A. (Hons) HistoryClosed89.75ClosedClosedClosed87.5
4B.A. (Hons) HindiClosedClosedClosed697070
4B.A. (Hons) PhilosophyClosedClosed8181.58289
4B.A. (Hons) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed86
4B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry9492.6688.66808393
4B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed93Closed7883Closed
4B.Sc (Hons) MicrobiologyClosed90.66Closed758092
4B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosed93.6688.33808086
4B.Sc (Hons) Zoology92.3388Closed796284
4B.Sc (Life Sciences)8985.66Closed705885
4B.Sc. Physical Science90.3388.3384.33707288
4B.A (English and Psychology)Closed9391.590.590.594
4B.A. (Hons) SanskritClosedClosedClosed454545
4B.A (Economics and ESB)Closed91888787.591
4B.A (Economics and Computer Application)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (ESB and Computer Applicalion)Closed8985858590
4B.A (Philosophy and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (English and Philosophy)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.Com (Hons)9691.584.75768390
4B.A (Math and ESB)Closed8986868689
4B.A (Economics and Math)Closed9288888891
4B.A (Economics and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (Philosophy and History)Closed8986868690
4B.A (Economics and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (English and History)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (Philosophy and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.Sc (Hons) Botany9086Closed786080
4B.A (History and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (History and German)Closed8985858590
4B.A (Math and Computer Application)Closed8785858588
4B.A (Hindi and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
4B.A (Hindi and History)Closed8684848487
4B.A (English and German)Closed88Closed858589
4B.A (Political Science and German)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed

Gargi College Third Cut Off list 2019-20

Gargi College Third Cut Off List 2019-20
3B.A (Hons) HindiClosedClosedClosed707171
3B.A (Hons) HistoryClosed89.75ClosedClosedClosed88
3B.A (Hons) PhilosophyClosed82.582828289
3B.A (Hons) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed86
3B.A (Hons) SanskritClosed45Closed454545
3B.A (Hons) EconomicsClosedClosed87848893
3B.A (Hons) Applied PsychologyClosed9390.7590.7591Closed
3B.A (Hons) English95.590.75Closed88Closed95.5
3B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics94.7593.2586808490
3B.Sc (Hons) MicrobiologyClosed9188.33788291
3B.Sc (Hons) Physics959488.66828288
3B.Sc (Hons) Zoology93.3389Closed806385
3B.Sc (Life Sciences)90.3386.6677.66746087
3B.Com (Hons)96.25Closed85788390
3B.Sc (Hons) BotanyClosedClosed80Closed6087
3B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry94.33938981.338393
3B.A (English and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.A (Economics and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.A (Philosophy and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.A (English and Philosophy)949087878791
3B.A (English and History)93.591.587888791
3B.A (Math and ESB)919087878790
3B.A (Economics and Math)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.A (Economics and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.A (Economics and Computer Application)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.A (ESB and Computer Applicalion)929087878791
3B.A (Economics and ESB)939289888892
3B.A (Philosophy and History)929087878791
3B.A (political Science and German)918986868690
3B.A (English and German)928986868690
3B.A (Hindi and History)898785858588
3B.A (Math and Computer Application)908986868689
3B.A (Hindi and political Science)898785858588
3B.A (History and German)919086868690
3B.A (History and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
3B.Sc. Physical Science)90.6688.6685.33747288
3B.A (Philosophy and political Science)92.59087878791

Gargi College Second Cut Off list 2019-20

Gargi College Second Cut Off List 2019-20
2B.A (Hons) Hindi817874727373
2B.A (Hons) Economics96.59388858893
2B.A (Hons) History94.5ClosedClosedClosed84.589
2B.A (Hons) Philosophy9083.583838389
2B.A (Hons) Political Science95.5ClosedClosedClosedClosed86
2B.A (Hons) SanskritClosed4545454545
2B.A (Hons) Applied PsychologyClosed94919191Closed
2B.A (Hons) English95.75Closed88Closed8395.75
2B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics95.59489848692
2B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology94.669288.66808592
2B.Sc (Hons) Physics9695.3389858489
2B.Sc (Hons) Physical Science9188.6687767288
2B.Sc (Hons) Zoology9491Closed81.336486
2B.Sc (Life Sciences)90.3387.3378766087
2B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry95.669589.66838395
2B.Com (Hons)96.25Closed86808491
2B.Sc (Hons) Botany9188Closed756090
2B.A (Economics and Computer Application)949390898993
2B.A (ESB and Computer Applicalion)93.59390909093
2B.A (Philosophy and Psychology)959390909093
2B.A (English and Philosophy)949289888892
2B.A (English and History)9.59289908892
2B.A (Math and ESB)92.59189898992
2B.A (Economics and Psychology)959390898993
2B.A (English and Psychology)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
2B.A (Economics and political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed
2B.A (Economics and ESB)93.59390898993
2B.A (Economics and Math)9492.589898992
2B.A (History and German)92.591.588888892
2B.A (political Science and German)92.591.588888892
2B.A (Philosophy and political Science)939288888892
2B.A (Philosophy and History)92.591.588888892
2B.A (English and German)92.591.588888891
2B.A (Math and Computer Application)929188888891
2B.A (Hindi and political Science)919086868790
2B.A (History and political Science)949287878892
2B.A (Hindi and History)919086868790

Gargi College First Cut Off list 2019-20

Gargi College First Cut Off List 2019-20
1B.A (Hons) Applied Psychology979592929294
1B.A (Hons) History959086868590
1B.A (Hons) English969189898596
1B.A (Hons) Economics979490889094
1B.A (Hons) Philosophy908484848490
1B.A (Hons) Sanskrit504545454545
1B.Com (Hons)96.591.588828592
1B.Sc (Hons) Botany92.6689.6680.6680.666092.33
1B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry979690858596
1B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics9795.592899095
1B.A (Hons) Political Science969087878686
1B.A (Hons) Hindi828075757575
1B.Sc (Hons) Microbiology95.39390909093
1B.Sc. Physical Science928988777288
1B.Sc (Hons) Physics9796.3390.3388.338590.33
1B.Sc (Hons) Zoology94.3392.3384.3382.336588.33
1B.Sc (Life Sciences)90.6687.6678.66786087.66
1B.A (English and Psychology)959492919194
1B.A (Economics and Computer Application)959492919194
1B.A (Philosophy and Psychology)959492919194
1B.A (Economics and Psychology)959492919194
1B.A (ESB and Computer Anolicalion)959492919194
1B.A (Economics and ESB)959492919194
1B.A (English and Philosophy)949391909093
1B.A (English and History)949391909093
1B.A (Math and ESB)949391909093
1B.A (Philosophy and History)949391909093
1B.A (Economics and political Science)949391909093
1B.A (History and political Science)949391909093
1B.A (Economics and Math)949391909093
1B.A (Philosophy and political Science)949391909093
1B.A (political Science and German)949391909093
1B.A (History and German)949391909093
1B.A (Math and Computer Application)939290909093
1B.A (English and German)939290909093
1B.A (Hindi and History)939290909093
1B.A (Hindi and political Science)939290909093

Gargi College Cut Off Categories

Gen - General (Non-Christian)
SC/ ST - Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe (Non-Christian)
OBC - Other Backward Class
EWS- Economically Weaker Section
Kashmiri Migrants

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