Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management Nagpur (RCOEM NAGPUR) - Admission



Nagpur, Maharashtra



Nagpur, Maharashtra

RCOEM Nagpur Admission 2020: Courses, Eligibility, Application Procedure

Updated On - November 07 2020 by Khusboo

RCOEM Nagpur Admission 2020: Established in 1984, Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management (RCOEM) is an active member of the 'Research in India' initiative of the Government of India, MHRD. B.E, M.Tech, MBA, MCA, and Ph.D. degree programmes offer admissions. Applications for B.E, M.Tech, MBA and MCA admissions are approved through the State CET Cell. While Ph.D. applications for admission are approved through RTMNU. Based on MAH-CET or CMAT or Pet, MBA admissions can be offered. If students have a bachelor's degree in any discipline, they will also be qualified. Candidates can refer to this article to know courses, eligibility, application process etc. 

RCOEM Nagpur Admission 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details related to RCOEM Nagpur admission can be found below in the table:

RCOEM Nagpur Admission Highlights
Institute NameShri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management (RCOEM)
Affiliated toRashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University (RTMNU)
Institute TypePrivate Autonomous
Accredited byAICTE
Courses OfferedB.E/M.Tech/MBA/MCA/PhD
Number of Departments7
Applications Accepted Both Online and Offline
Admissions Counselling and Entrance-based
Officail Website
Candidates can check courses and fees of RCOEM Nagpur.

RCOEM Nagpur Admission 2020 Important Dates

Candidates can find important events and dates related to RCOEM Nagpur admission from the given table: 

RCOEM Nagpur Admission Important Dates
JEE Main Registration07 February - 12 March 2020
JEE Main Exam05 April 2020; 07 April 2020; 08 April 2020; 09 April 2020; 11 April 2020;
GATE Registration31 August - 05 October 2019
GATE Exam01 February 2020; 02 February 2020; 08 February 2020; 09 February 2020;

RCOEM Nagpur BE Admission 2020 

Applications for B.E admissions are approved by the State CET Cell, while admissions are provided on the basis of the guidelines set by the Competent Authority of the Maharashtra Government through the Centralized Admission Process (CAP). Candidates can find other details related to BE admission from the given table below: 

RCOEM Nagpur BE Admission Details
CourseSpecializationsEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria

Civil Engineering

HSSC has been passed or, along with either Chemistry or Biotechnology or Genetics, is equivalent to Physics and Mathematics as required subjects.
At least 50 per cent aggregate must have been obtained by the claimant (45 per cent for backward classes / disabled persons for those belonging to Maharashtra only). OR
A 50 per cent aggregate (45 per cent for backward classes/persons with disabilities for those belonging only to Maharashtra) Diploma course in Engineering & Technology was passed.

B.Sc. Passed From a recognised university as established by UGC and obtained at least 50 per cent aggregate (45 per cent only for those belonging to Maharashtra for backward classes/people with disabilities).

 Maharashtra students can only appear for MHT-CET, while students can appear for either MHT-CET or JEE Mains from other states.

Industrial Engineering

Electrical Engineering 

Electronics Engineering

Electronics Design Technology

Electronics & Communication 

Information Technology

Computer Science & Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

RCOEM Nagpur Admission 2020 Postgraduate Courses 

ROCEM Nagpur offers various courses under postgraduate program such as M.Tech, MCA, MBA  under its course curriculum. Admissions are provided through the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra, to the M.Tech programme. Admissions to the MCA programme are dependent on admission as well. Students wishing to apply for admission to the MBA programme must qualify for admission to the MAH-MHT-CET programme, along with other eligibility requirements set out in the following section:

RCOEM Nagpur Admission PG Courses details
Course SpecializationsEligibility CriteriaSelection Criteria

Structural Engineering

They're nationals of India.
A 50 per cent aggregate (45 per cent for backward classes/persons with disabilities belonging to the Indian state) must have a degree in Engineering and Technology from AICTE / Central / State Government approved institutions.
GATE Eligible. OR
For supported students, it is mandatory to show a minimum of 2 years of full-time work experience.
Students can apply for admission in the final year on condition that they are able to submit their final scores before the cut-off list of the CET. Further admission can be given to non-GATE eligible students on the basis of the CET Cell State decision.

Industrial Engineering

VLSI Design

Electrical Engineering


Heat Power Engineering 


Computer Science & Engineering

MBA-Passed bachelor’s with at least 50% in bachelor’s degree in a relevant field. Maharashtra students may apply for MAH-MHT-CET only, while other state students may choose between either MAH-MHT-CET or CMAT or CAT.
MCA-Have a bachelor's degree from a UGC or AIU accredited university with 50 per cent in any discipline (5 per cent relaxation for backward groups and individuals with disabilities).
Candidates should have studied mathematics at the 10 + 2 or graduate level examination as one of the subjects.
Students must qualify MAH-MCA-CET.

RCOEM Nagpur PhD Admission 2020

RCOEM Nagpur offers doctoral courses in 6 different specializations under its course curriculum. Based on the criteria set by RTMNU, admissions to the Ph.D. program are made. Until applying, the following prerequisites need to be taken care of: 

RCOEM Nagpur PhD Admission Details
Course SpecializationsEligibility Criteria

Civil Engineering

A master’s degree in a relevant discipline with 50 percent aggregate, from a recognized university.
Qualified either of the entrances- MU-PET/GATE/SET/UGC-NET/JRF.

Electrical Engineering


Electronics Engineering


Mechanical Engineering 


Computer Science & Engineering


Business Administration and Business Management

RCOEM Nagpur Admission 2020 Application Procedure

Candidates can follow the given procedure to apply for various courses under RCOEM Nagpur:

For BE:

JEE Mains Application Submission Requirements 

The application fee for taking this exam varies with the type of candidature. The application fee for the general category is Rs. 325. The following section shows on the requirements and the process of registration for JEE Mains.

Documents Required

  • Scanned and recent photograph coloured or black/white (but clear contrast) JPG/JPEG format. Size should be between 10 kb to 200 kb.
  • Scanned signature in JPG/JPEG format. Size should be between 4 kb to 30 kb.
  • Application forms with not clear photographs will not be accepted. 

Candidates can foollw the given steps to register themselves:

  • Visit the JEE Main's official website of and press on “Fill Online Application Form”.
  • Register by giving your personal details, to generate a user id and password.
  • The application number will be generated after submitting the details for registration.
  • The form requires personal details, address, and mobile number.
  • You can set your security question and password to access the application for the future.
  • Submit the application form by logging in with the same user id and password that you had set.
For PhD:

Applications for admissions are approved through RTMNU. The procedure for presenting applications is as follows:

  • Application forms are filled out offline by downloading (or clicking here) the pdf version available on the website.
  • It is important to request a hard copy of the application by post.
  • Related documents and review fees must be attached along with an application form in the form of a DD.
  • In support of the "Registrar, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur" payable in Nagpur, DD should be drawn.

A properly completed application form and draught request should be submitted by mail to the following address:

Deputy Registrar
Ph.D. Cell.
Exam Section Building, L.I.T. Campus,
Amravati Road, Nagpur

How To Apply For RCOEM?

Follw the given steps to apply:

  • Notification by State CET Cell and publication of Information brochure.
  • Registration by students online on the CET Cell website.
  • Document verification and confirmation at facilitation Centre (FC)
  • Publication of Merit List by State CET Cell
  • An option form to be filled by the candidate (For CAP round I)
  • Admission and seat allotment to students
  • Freeze/Float/slide to be chosen by the students
  • Reporting to the admission reporting center (ARC) for “Freeze” applicants or Option form filling for float/slide candidates for Next CAP Round
  • Reporting to the allotted institute with the required admission fees and official documents.

Documents Required

  • Xerox copy of receipt cum acknowledgment (CAP) from the facilitation center.
  • Xerox copy of the CET Merit number-letter (CAP).
  • S.S.C./X class mark sheet.
  • H.S.S.C./XII class mark sheet.
  • College leaving certificate
  • Certificate of the Indian Nationality of the candidate.
  • Migration Certificate (if appeared for graduation from other than RTMNU)
  • Statement of marks for the Bachelor’s Degree Examination 
  • PAN Card/Aadhar Card/Bank Passbook (Linked to aadhar) front page.
  • CET mark sheet/scorecard












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