Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College Chennai (VEL MULTI MEDIA CLG CHENNAI) - Admission


Chennai, Tamil Nadu


Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Admission 2020: Eligibility, Courses

Updated On - October 29 2020 by Khusboo

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Admission 2020: The Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College, founded in 1999, is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. In various branches of engineering and technology, Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College offers many undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. There are 7 undergraduate programmes and 5 postgraduate programmes in total at the institution. Candidates can refer to this article to know basic details, eligibility, courses etc.

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Admission 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details related to Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College from the given table:

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Highlights
Name of the UniversityVel Tech Multi Tech Dr. Rangarajan Dr. Sakunthala Engineering College
University TypePrivate Engineering Institute
Basic Admission CriteriaEntrance Examination, Merit-Based selection
Application ModeOnline and Offline
Name of the EntranceTANCET GATE NATA
Entrance ModeWritten examinations and Personal Interview
ScholarshipTuition Fee Waiver through multiple scholarships
Official Website

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Admission 2020 Important Dates

Candidates can find important dates and events related to Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering admission from the given table:

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Important Dates
Registration Start Date for B.Tech./ BE03 May - 30 May 2020
Registration Start Date for M.Tech/ ME02 April 2020
Exam date19 May 2020

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College BE/B.Tech Admission 2020

B.E and B.Tech courses are offered by Vel Tech under its Undergraduate course curriculum. Via counselling conducted by Anna University, admission to the UG courses is completed. The college also offers lateral access to its B.E./B.Tech programmes where admission is available for students who have completed Diploma programmes. Candidates can get other details related to BE and B.Tech admission from the given table:

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College BE/B.Tech Admission Details
Course SpecializationsEligibilitySelection Criteria
B.E.Electronics and Communications EngineeringApplicant should have completed Higher Secondary Examination which is conducted by the Department of Education, Government of Tamil Nadu or any other examination holding equivalent value.Merit-based selection
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
B.Tech.Information Technology

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College PG Courses Admission 2020

At postgraduate level, Vel Tech offers several courses in various engineering and technology divisions. To be eligible for admission to PG courses, it is compulsory for the applicant to hold a bachelor's degree. TANCET / GATE exams should also have appeared and eligible applicants. Candidates can get other details related to PG courses admission from the given table below:

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College PG Courses Admission Details
Course SpecializationsEligibilitySelection Criteria
M.E.VLSIHe/she should hold a Bachelor’s degree in respective or relevant branch of engineering and technology from a recognized university/institute.TANCET/GATE Entrance Examination
Embedded Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering in Specialization in Networks
M.Tech.Information Technology

Vel Tech Multi Tech Engineering College Admission 2020 Application Process

Candidates can follow the given steps to apply for various courses under Vel Tech :

  • It is possible to access the application form online via the university website.
  • Applicants must upload the current image to the space allotted.
  • The payment must be made and it is non-refundable online.
  • 'Director, Centre for Research, Anna University, Chennai-600 025' should be sent the completed application forms.
  • The online fee receipt should be attached to the candidate along with the application form.
  • An application fee of Rs. 500 (for candidates of the General Category) and Rs. 250 (for candidates of the Tamil Nadu SC / ST) must be paid by the applicant.
  • After completing the TNEA application form, applicants must obtain the printed application form and submit it, along with the required documentation, to:
The Secretary
Tamil Nadu Engineering Admissions
Anna University
Chennai – 600 025
  • It is compulsory to take a printout of the form for future reference after the application has been submitted.

Documents Required

  • Class X mark sheet and passing certificate
  • Class XII mark sheet and passing certificate
  • Domicile Certificate
  • Identity Proof
  • Category Certificate (if applicable)
  • Four recent passport size photographs


According to the guidelines provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu, the university complies with BC / MBC / DNC / SC / ST reservations. For physically handicapped / ex-servicemen/sportspeople / other state candidates, there are also reserved seats in each programme.




















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