AIL LET - Counselling
Army Institute of Law Entrance Test
Computer Based Test
Updated On - July 06 2023 by Abhinandan Singh
Refer to the below table to know about the important dates to remember regarding AIL LET 2023 counselling process. Candidates belonging to the army category must submit the fees by July 14, 3 pm, while candidates from the all-India civil category can submit the fees by July 15, 2023, till 3 pm.
Date | Category | Merit No | Time Slot |
July 10, 2023 (Monday) | Army Category | 1 to 10 | 9:30 to 10:30 am |
11 to 20 | 10:31 to 11:30 am | ||
21 to 30 | 11:31 am to 12:30 pm | ||
31 to 40 | 12:31 to 01:30 pm | ||
Lunch Break | |||
41 to 50 | 2 to 3 pm | ||
51 to 60 | 3:01 to 4 pm | ||
61 to 65 | 4:01 to 4:30 pm | ||
July 11, 2023 (Tuesday) | Army Category | 66 to 75 | 9:30 to 10:30 am |
76 to 85 | 10:31 to 11:30 am | ||
86 to 95 | 11:31 to 12:30 pm | ||
96 to 105 | 12:31 to 1:30 pm | ||
Lunch Break | |||
106 to 115 | 2 to 3 pm | ||
116 to 125 | 3:01 to 4 pm | ||
126 to 130 | 4:01 to 4:30 pm | ||
July 12, 2023 (Wednesday) | All-India Civil category | 01 to 10 | 9:30 to 10:30 am |
11 to 25 | 10:31 to 12:00 | ||
July 24, 2023 (Monday) | Reporting of 1st year students to the Institute. |
The AIK LET Counselling 2023 will take place virtually via online platforms(Google meet or zoom) due to pandemic. Refer to the below given points for details on Counselling Process.
AIL Mohali will issue the merit list for AIL LET Entrance Test 2023 after the exam has been conducted. The merit lsit will contain only the names of the candidates who will be able to participate in the Counselling Rounds as per the standards given by the administration of AIL Mohali Authorities.
Once the merit list is published, candidates must find their names on the AIL LET Merit List 2023 and continue the next step. Candidates now have to register for the counselling process by filling out the form available on the official website of AIL Mohali. Candidates must adhere to all the instructions stated and must provide the details mentioned below at the time of Counselling Process for AIL LET 2023.
To confirm the admission, shortlisted candidates must report physically to the Army Institute of Law, at Mohali.
Candidates must posses the following documents at the time of AIL LET Counselling Process 2023:
Class 10 Marksheet
Class 10+2(12th level) Marksheet
Date of Birth Certificate
Medical Certificate
Migration Certificate
Character Certifiate from the last Institution the Candidate studied in, duly stamped by the concerend authority)
Willingness Certificate
Certificate of Eligibility (completion of qualifying education from the respective Board)
Certificate of Affidavit (for candidates from Punjab, belonging to the Civil Category)
One Photograph (mother/father/guarduain)
Recent Coloured Passport sized Photograph (12 in number)
Refer to the following table for the reservation criteria for AIL LET Counselling 2023:
Candidates' Category | Number of Seats Reserved |
Candidates belonging from Army Background | 60 |
Candidates from Punjab belonging to Civilian Category | 16 |
All India Civilian Category | 04 |
Grand Total | 80 |
01 Apr 2023
24 Jun 2023
31 Jul 2023
₹ 3,000