AP ECET - Syllabus

Andhra Pradesh Engineering Common Entrance Test

Pen & Paper Mode

AP ECET 2023 Syllabus: Subjects, Topics, Exam Pattern, Important Books

Updated On - September 13 2022 by Srishti Pandey

AP ECET 2023 Syllabus will be set by the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University. Candidates must be aware of the syllabus and exam pattern to prepare well for the entrance exam. The detailed syllabus will be available on the official website and the link for that is provided below. Aspirants can read the given below article to know more about AP ECET 2023 Syllabus. Also, download the AP ECET 2023 Syllabus pdf given below.

AP ECET 2023 Syllabus

AP ECET 2023 Syllabus will comprise of various topics from various subjects for different courses in which candidates will get admission through entrance examination. For engineering,  questions will come from the topics of Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry subjects of 11th and 12th standard. Given below is the detailed syllabus along with the topic:

Syllabus for Chemistry 

  • Atomic Structure:

Introduction-Fundamental particles – Bohr’s theory – Quantum numbers –– Aufbau principle – Hund’s rule – Pauli’s exclusion principle- Electronic configurations of elements up to atomic number 20, shapes of s,p,d orbitals.

  • Chemical Bonding:

Introduction types of chemical bonds – Ionic bond taking the example of NaCl and MgO –characteristics of ionic compounds and covalent bond taking example H2, O2, N2, HCl characteristics of covalent compounds.

  •  Solutions:

Introduction solution classification of solutions, solute, solvent, concentration, mole concept–Molarity, –Normality, equivalent weight using acids, bases, and salts, numerical problems on Molarity and Normality.

  • Acids and Bases:

Introduction – theories of acids and bases – Arrhenius, Bronsted –Lowry theory – Lewis acid-base theory – The ionic product of water - PH and related numerical problems – buffers solutions Applications.

  • Electrochemistry:

Conductors, insulators, electrolytes - Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation – electrolysis – Faraday’s laws of electrolysis- numerical problems – Galvanic cell – standard electrode potential – electrochemical series –emf and numerical problems on emf of a cell.

  • Water Technology:

Introduction –soft and hard water – causes of hardness – types of hardness –disadvantages of hard water – degree of Hardness, units and its relations– softening methods – permit process – ion exchange process – qualities of drinking water – municipal treatment of water for drinking purpose.

  • Corrosion:

Introduction - factors influencing corrosion - electrochemical theory of corrosion- composition cell, stress cell, and concentration cells– rusting of iron and its mechanism – prevention of corrosion by a) coating methods, b) cathodic protection (sacrificial and impressive voltage methods).

  • Polymers:

Introduction – polymerization – types of polymerization – addition, condensation and copolymerization with examples – plastics – types of plastics – advantages of plastics over traditional materials – Disadvantages of using plastics, thermoplastics and Thermo stetting plastics– differences between thermoplastics and Thermo stetting plastic preparation and uses of the following plastics: 1. Polythene 2. PVC 3. Teflon 4. Polystyrene 5.Urea-formaldehyde – Rubber – natural rubber – processing from latex –Vulcanization – Elastomers – Buna-s, Neoprene rubber, and their uses.

  •  Fuels:

Definition and classification of fuels based on physical state and occurrence – characteristics of good fuel - Extraction and Refining of petroleum - composition, and uses of gaseous fuels. A) water gas b) producer gas c) natural gas d) coal gas e) biogas f) acetylene

  • Environmental chemistry:

Introduction – environment –understand the terms lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere biosphere, biotic component, energy component pollutant, receptor, sink, particulate, DO, BOD, Threshold limit value, COD- Air pollution - causes-Effects – acid rain, greenhouse effect –ozone depletion – control of Air pollution – Water pollution – causes – effects – control measures.

Syllabus for Mathematics

  • Unit-I Matrices:

Matrices of 3rd order: Types of matrices-Algebra of matrices-Transpose of a matrix symmetric, skew-symmetric matrices-Minor, the cofactor of an element-Determinant of a square matrix-Properties-Laplace’s expansion-singular and non-singular matrices-Adjoint and multiplicative inverse of a square matrix-System of linear equations in 3 variables-Solutions by Crammer’s rule, Matrix inversion method,-Gauss-Jordan methods. Partial Fractions: Resolving a given rational function into partial fractions.

  • Unit –II: Trigonometry:

Properties of Trigonometric functions – Ratios of Compound angles, multiple angles, submultiple angles – Transformations of Products into sum or difference and vice versa – Simple trigonometric equations – Properties of triangles – Inverse Trigonometric functions. Complex Numbers: Modulus and conjugate, arithmetic operations on the complex number— Modulus-Amplitude form (Polar form)-Euler form (exponential form)-Properties- De Movire’s Theorem and its applications.

  • Unit – III: Analytical Geometry

Circles-Equation gave center and radius-given ends of diameter-General equation-finding center and radius. Standard forms of equations of Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola – simple properties.

  • Unit – IV: Differentiation and its Applications

Functions and limits – Standard limits – Differentiation from the First Principles – Differentiation of the sum, product, the quotient of functions, the function of function, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, Hyperbolic functions, implicit, explicit and parametric functions – Derivative of a function with respect to another function-Second order derivatives –Geometrical applications of the derivative (angle between curves, tangent and normal) – Increasing and decreasing functions – Maxima and Minima (single variable functions) using second-order derivative only – Derivative as rate measure -Errors and approximations - Partial Differentiation – Partial derivatives up to second-order – Euler’s theorem.

  • Unit – V: Integration and Its Applications

Indefinite Integral – Standard forms – Integration by decomposition of the integrand of trigonometric, algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and Hyperbolic functions – Integration by substitution – Integration of reducible and irreducible quadratic factors – Integration by parts – Definite Integrals and properties, Definite Integral as the limit of a sum – Application of Integration to find areas under plane curves and volumes of Solids of revolution – Mean and RMS value.

  • Unit – VI: Differential Equations

Definition of a differential equation-order and degree of a differential equation- formation of differential equations-solution of the differential equation of the type first order, first degree, variable-separable, homogeneous equations, exact, linear differential equation of the form dy/dx + Py = Q

Syllabus for Physics

  • Unit-1: Units and dimensions:

Physical quantity-fundamental and derived physical quantities-units-fundamental and derived units-SI units-multiples and sub-multiples in SI units-advantages of SI units-dimensions and dimensional formulae-dimensionless quantities application and limitations of dimensional analysis-problems.

  • Unit-2: Elements of vectors:

Scalar and vector quantities-examples–graphical representation of a vector-types of vector addition and subtraction of vectors-triangle law-parallelogram law and its cases-polygon law resolution of a vector-unit vector (i, j, k)-dot product and cross product of two vector characteristics of dot and cross products-examples-problems.

  • Unit-3: Kinematics and Friction

Equations of motion-acceleration due to gravity-equations of motion under gravity expressions for maximum height, time of ascent, time of descent, time of flight, velocity on reaching the point of projection-motion of a body projected from the top of a tower-projectile motion-examples-horizontal and oblique projections-expressions for maximum height, time of ascent, time of flight, horizontal range, magnitude and direction of resultant velocity problems. Friction-normal reaction-laws of friction-coefficients of friction-angle of friction-methods of reducing friction-advantages and disadvantages of friction-motion of a body over a smooth inclined plane and a rough inclined plane–problems.

  • Unit-4: Work, Power, and Energy

Work, power and energy-definitions and units-potential and kinetic energies-examples and expressions-law of conservation of energy-problems-renewable and non-renewable sources of energy (solar, wind, biogas, tidal, nuclear energies, etc)

  • Unit-5: Simple harmonic motion and acoustics

Definition-conditions of SHM-examples of SHM-expressions for displacement, velocity, acceleration, time period, frequency, and phase of SHM-time period of a simple pendulum seconds pendulum-problems. Sound-musical sound and noise-noise pollution-Effects and methods of control of Noise Pollution-Beats and echo-problems-Doppler effect – Explanation, cases and Applications Acoustics of buildings-Reverberation-Sabines’ formula characteristics of a good building-problems.

  • Unit:6: Heat and Thermodynamics

Expansion of gases-Boyle’s law-Absolute scale of temperature-Charles laws-Ideal gas equation-Universal gas constant and its value-SI Units-problems-external work done by a gas-isothermal process-adiabatic process-first law of thermodynamics and its applications to isothermal process and adiabatic process-two specific heats of a gas-relation between Cp and Cv-problems-second law of thermodynamics and its applications.

  • Unit:7 Modern Physics

Photoelectric effect – explanation and its laws-applications of the photoelectric effect (photocell) – critical angle and total internal reflection – optical fibers - principle, working, types and applications-concept of superconductivity – its properties and applications.

AP ECET 2023 Exam Pattern

The candidate must be aware of the AP ECET 2023 Exam Pattern to get an idea regarding the exam. Given below is the exam pattern in detail:

AP ECET 2023 Exam pattern
Mode of exam

Online (CBT) mode only

Duration of Exam

180 minutes(Three hours)

Number of Questions



English language only.

Type of Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (Objective type)

Marking Scheme

One mark will be awarded for each correct answer.

Total Marks


Given below is the Subject wise distribution for marks for engineering:
Marks distribution for Engineering in AP ECET 2023
Maximum Marks







All engineering branches


Given below is the Subject wise distribution for marks for Pharmacy:
Marks Distribution for Pharmacy in AP ECET 2023
Maximum Marks

Pharmaceutical Chemistry








Given below is the Subject wise distribution for marks for B.Sc (Mathematics)
AP ECET 2023 B.Sc marks distribution
Maximum Marks

Communicative English


Analytical Ability





AP ECET 2023 Important Books

Candidates can refer to the given below list of important books for the preparation of AP ECET 2023:

Book Name

E-CET (Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE))



RV Subba Rao

E-CET (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry (MPC))


 AP ECET 2023 Preparation Tips

Candidates can follow the below-given AP ECET 2023 preparation tips to score well in the entrance exam:

  • Practice more and more previous year’s question papers to get an idea regarding the entrance exam.
  • Solve mock tests as much as possible to increases the accuracy and solving the speed of the paper.
  • Candidates must clear all the doubts prior to the entrance exam. 
  • Do not leave any topic for the last moment. 
  • Applicants must make notes for each topic for revision at the last moment.
  • Follow the syllabus prescribed by the authority.
  • Solve past year question papers and understand the pattern.
  • Do not over study focus on completing the syllabus and revising the syllabus.

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Form Start Date:

01 Mar 2023

Form End Date:

31 Mar 2023

The last date to submit the form was on 31 Mar 2023
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Examination Date (Online):

05 May 2023

Application Fees:

₹ 550

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