AP TET Syllabus 2022 has been released by the Commissioner of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. All of the appeared candidates should have to go first with the syllabus preparation and the syllabus will be prescribed through authority. It is helpful for the candidates to get to know the topics going to ask in the examination. The APTET Examination is conducted through Computer Based Test (CBT) and every year a large number of the candidates appear in this test to be appointed as teachers from Class I to Class V (Category I). Read the complete article to know more about AP TET 2022 Syllabus.
APTET has released the complete syllabus for the state level TET exam. Click here to Download ---> AP TET 2022 Syllabus I. Child Development And Pedagogy (Marks: 30)
1. Development Of Child
- Development, Growth & Maturation — Concept & Nature
- Principles of development and their education implication
- Factors influencing Development — Biological, Psychological, Sociological, emotional
- Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships — Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, Early Childhood, late Childhood, Adolescence
- Understanding Development — Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
- Individual differences — Infra & Inter-Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Intelligence, and their Assessment
- Development of Personality — Concept, Factors affecting the development of personality, self-concept
- Adjustment, Behavioural problems, Mental Health, the Defense mechanism
- Methods and Approaches of Child Development — Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Cross-sectional, and Longitudinal
- Developmental tasks and Hazards
2. Understanding Learning
- The concept, Nature of Learning — input — process — the outcome
- Factors of Learning — Personal and EnvironmentalApproaches to Learning and their applicability—Behaviourism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)
- Dimensions of Learning — Cognitive, Affective and Performance x Motivation and Sustenance —its role in learning
- Memory & Forgetting
- Transfer of Learning
3. Pedagogical Concerns
- Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context – Children from diverse contexts—Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education
- Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, Project-based learning, Survey, Observation, and Activity-based learning, Cooperative, and collaborative learning
- Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in classroom-like Study habits, Self-learning, and Learning to learn skills
- Organizing learning in heterogeneous classroom groups — Socio-economic background, Abilities, and Interest
- Paradigms of organizing Learning-Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner-centric Theory of instruction – Bruner
- Teaching as Planned activity — Elements of Planning
- Phases of Teaching — Pre active, Interactive, and Post active
- General and Subject-related skills, competencies required in teaching, and attributes of a good facilitator
- Learning resources — Self, Home, School, Community, Technology 3
- Classroom Management: Role of a student, teacher, the Leadership style of the teacher, Creation of non-threatening learning environment, Managing behavior problems, Guidance & Counselling, Punishment, and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management.
- The distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School-based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective & Practice
- Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right To Education Act, 2009.