Banaras Hindu University Research Entrance Test 2020

BHU RET - Exam Pattern

Banaras Hindu University Research Entrance Test

Pen & Paper Mode

BHU RET 2022 Exam Pattern

Updated On - December 13 2021 by Urja Sardesai

BHU RET 2022 Exam Pattern is important for the candidates to go through as it will them in ascertaining the pattern of the examination, difficulty of questions, kind of questions, etc. Getting acquainted with the exam pattern will help the students in preparing thorughly and according the importance of the questions. The Banaras Hindu University Research Entrance Test, or BHU RET 2022, is a test held by the Banaras Hindu University (BHU). The Banaras Hindu University RET is a university-level entrance exam for candidates interested in pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy/Vidyvridhi degree in a variety of disciplines, including Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Agronomy, Food Science & Technology, Horticulture, Genetics & Plant Breeding, and so on.

BHU RET 2022 Exam Pattern 


RET will consist of three parts:

Test A: This is a test to see if you have the ability to think logically and analytically.
Test B: This is a test to see how well you know your subject.
Test C: Personal Interview and Research Proposal

i) Test - A: Logical and Analytical Capability Evaluation
The purpose of this RET is to evaluate logical and analytical thinking, numeric ability, general knowledge, computer expertise, and language skills. The MCQs in this part will be designed to assess a candidate's logical and analytical abilities rather than their memory. In general, the questions in this test will be at a class X level (CBSE).
a) Test – A will be administered across Faculties and will serve as a preliminary screening test, with only those candidates who pass the Test – A being considered for further consideration.
b) There will be 60 MCQs in total in this test, which are as follows:

  • 10 questions for testing logical thinking
  • 10 questions for testing quantitative ability
  • 10 questions for testing general knowledge
  • 10 questions for testing knowledge about usage of computer
  • 20 questions for testing language skills (This Test will consist of three subsets of ten questions each relating to knowledge of Hindi, English, and Sanskrit, with the candidate having the option of answering any two subsets (10+10 questions in any two languages).

c) This test will last 60 minutes and will be worth 180 points.
d) Each question will receive three (3) positive marks for accurate answers and one (1) negative mark for incorrect answers.
e) To be considered for further evaluation, an applicant must score at least 30 percent on Test-A (54 points total).

ii) TEST – B: Subject Knowledge Assessment
This test will assess the candidate's subject knowledge in the discipline in which he or she completed his or her P.G.
a) This test will last 120 minutes (2 hours) and will be worth 200 points. This test will be administered concurrently with Test – A.
b) There will be 40 multiple-choice questions (totaling 120 points), with three points awarded for correct answers and one point deducted for incorrect answers. There will also be ten (ten) short answer questions (SAQ), with any 05 (five) of them being answered. Each question is worth 16 (sixteen) points (total 80 marks).
c) Ten (ten) of the 40 MCQ type questions will cover various disciplines in the relevant Faculty, while the remaining 30 (thirty) will cover diverse areas in the provided discipline.
d) The MCQs and SAQs will be designed to test your comprehension and analytical skills. In addition, the brief responses will test your ability to express yourself, your language skills, and your writing abilities.
g) Only if the candidate passes the Test – A will the Test – B be checked and marked.
f) To be considered further, a candidate must score at least 30% on the Test – B. 


M.Phil Entrance Test will have two components:

Test A: This is a test to see if you have the ability to think logically and analytically.
Test B: This is a test to see how well you know your subject.

I TEST – A: Logical and Analytical Capability Assessment
The purpose of this test is to evaluate logical and analytical thinking, numeric ability, general knowledge, computer expertise, and language abilities. The MCQs in this part will be designed to assess a candidate's logical and analytical abilities rather than their memory. In general, the questions in this test will be at a class X level (CBSE).
a) The Test – A will be treated as a preliminary screening test, with only those candidates who pass the Test – A being considered for further consideration.
b) There will be a total of 60 MCQs in this test, distributed as follows:

  • 10 questions for testing logical thinking
  • 10 questions for testing quantitative ability
  • 10 questions for testing general knowledge
  • 10 questions for testing awareness of computer usages
  • 20 questions for testing language skills (This Test will consist of three subsets of ten questions each relating to knowledge of Hindi, English, and Sanskrit, with the candidate having the option of answering any two subsets (10+10 questions in any two languages)

c)This test will last 60 minutes and will be worth 180 points.
d) Each question will be worth 03 (three) points for accurate answers and 01 (one) point for incorrect answers.
e) To be considered for further consideration, a candidate must score at least 30 percent (54 points total) on Test-A.

ii) TEST – B: Subject Knowledge Assessment
This test will assess the candidate's subject knowledge in the discipline in which he or she completed his or her P.G.
a) This test will last 120 minutes (2 hours) and will be worth 200 points. This test will be administered concurrently with Test – A.
b) There will be 40 multiple-choice questions (totaling 120 points), with three points awarded for correct answers and one point deducted for incorrect answers. There will also be ten (ten) short answer questions (SAQ), with any 05 (five) of them being answered. Each question is worth 16 (sixteen) points (total 80 marks).
c) Ten (ten) of the 40 MCQ type questions will cover various disciplines in the relevant Faculty, while the remaining 30 (thirty) will cover diverse areas in the provided discipline.
d) The MCQs and SAQs will be designed to test your comprehension and analytical skills. In addition, the brief responses will test your ability to express yourself, your language skills, and your writing abilities.
e) Only if the candidate passes Test – A will Test – B be checked and marked.

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