Bihar STET

Bihar STET - Preparation Tips

Bihar State Eligibility Test

Pen & Paper Mode

Bihar STET 2022 Preparation Tips: Tips to crack the exam

Created On - March 05 2022 by Shilpee Ghosh

Candidates taking the Bihar STET typically have difficulty devising a thorough, time-bound, and result-oriented preparation approach. The Bihar STET test is one of the most sought exams in the state of Bihar for those interested in pursuing a career as a teacher. The Bihar STET exam covers a variety of courses at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Candidates must prepare according to the topics covered in their respective fields. We will present basic Bihar STET preparation suggestions in this article, which will be useful for all Bihar STET subjects.

Bihar STET 2022 Preparation Tips

Bihar STET preparation should follow a pattern; candidates should begin their studies with the belief that they will undoubtedly succeed. This will increase their morale, and they will work more as a result. Important Bihar STET preparation tips are listed below:

Understand the Exam Syllabus and Pattern
  • BSTET is divided into two parts: Paper I and Paper II. Paper I is for secondary school students, while Paper II is for higher secondary students. To pass each paper, candidates must achieve the minimum qualifying marks. To pass the exam, a candidate from the general category must achieve a score of 50%, while applicants from other categories must achieve a score of 45 percent.
  • English, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Maths, Science, and Social Science are all covered in Paper 1. English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, and Computer Science are all included in Paper 2. Languages, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science are all areas of development and pedagogy.
  • Each paper has 150 questions and a total of 150 points; the total time for each test is 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Completion of the Syllabus is required.
  • The Bihar STET syllabus differs for Paper I and Paper II, therefore applicants should familiarise themselves with the themes before commencing their Bihar STET preparation.
  • As questions are asked from all sections, don't overlook any section of the syllabus. Prioritize each section without skipping any.
  • Learn the fundamentals first, then on to more complicated aspects of a topic.
Take advantage of the best books on the market
  • Candidates must choose the book properly for each exam because books are the best resources for a successful preparation strategy. There are many books on the market; choose the ones that cover all of the topics in the curriculum.
  • To solidify your knowledge, start with a simple textbook and work your way up to reference volumes.
  • Choose books that have been recommended by teachers and those who have passed the exam.
Make a list of your own notes

The Bihar STET syllabus is extensive, and there are numerous topics that must be remembered before to the exam. Making small notes in your own words in a few lines will be helpful in this scenario.
Making notes will also assist you in remembering essential information.
Aside from that, continue to highlight interesting paragraphs and lines from books that could be used to build questions.

Revise and Practice

Practice questions from past years' papers as well as ones from books or periodicals that are comparable in nature.
Exam your preparedness with a mock test series; it will help you understand your degree of preparation and enhance your time management skills.

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