BITS HD - Syllabus

BITS Higher Degree Admission Test

Computer Based Test

BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus: Subject-Wise Topics

Updated On - September 19 2022 by Srishti Pandey

BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus will be released by the BITS Pilani. Aspirants must be aware of the syllabus as it given an idea of important topics from which questions will be asked. BITS Higher Degree Admission Test will be conducted to offer admission into M.E (Biotechnology, Chemical, Communication Engineering, etc.), M.Pharma, and M.Phil. in Liberal Studies.Birla Institute of Technology & Sciences conducts a higher degree entrance examination once a year at the university level.  Scroll down to get more relevant details about BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus.

BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus

BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus has been released by the BITS Pilani for the two tests i.e. Test-1 and Test-2. Test-2 is an aptitude test that consists of subjects like core mathematics, English language, and logical reasoning. The test-2 is as per the branch chosen by the candidates to get admission. The test-2 has different subjects as per the different branches such as civil, mechanical, computer, electronics and electrical, chemical, etc.

BITS HD Admission Test 2021 Syllabus for Test-1

BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus for Test-1 is as follows:

1) Syllabus of Core Mathematics

Topic 1: Calculus

Limits and Continuity in Higher Dimensions, Partial derivatives, The chain rule, Directional Derivatives, and Gradient vectors, Tangent planes and Normal lines, Extreme values and saddle points, Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, Line and surface Integrals, Conservative fields, Curl and divergence, Theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. Functions and graphs; limit and continuity; Applications of Derivatives, Applications of Definite Integrals, Convergence of Infinite sequences and series, Maclaurin and Taylor series. Functions of several variables.


Topic 2: Linear Algebra

Matrix Algebra, Row reduction method, Rank and inverse of a matrix, System of linear equations, Vector space; basis and dimension; linear transformation; range and kernel of a linear transformation; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.


Topic 3: Complex Variables

Analytic functions, Cauchy’s theorems; Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor Series and Laurent Series; Calculus of residues and applications.


Topic 4: Differential Equation

First-order differential equations (linear and nonlinear), higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficient, method of variation of parameters, Cauchy-Euler’s equation, Fourier Series, Laplace Transform, Initial, and boundary value problems, Partial differential equations, Method of separation of variables.


Topic 5: Probability and Statistics

Geometric, Binomial, Poisson’s, Exponential, Gamma, and Normal distributions; some of the independent random variables; law of large numbers; Central limit theorem, Marginal and conditional distributions; Sampling distribution, Point estimation, Statistical intervals based on a Single sample, Tests of hypotheses based on a single sample, test for mean using normal and Students t-distribution; Correlation and linear regression. Sample space and events, Conditional probability and independence; Random variables and probability distributions; Independent random variables; Mathematical expectation; mean and variance.


Topic 6: Numerical Methods

Solution of nonlinear algebraic equations: Newton’s method, Secant method, Fixed point iteration method, method of false position, Solution of a system of linear equations: Direct methods & Iterative methods, LU decomposition, Integration by Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule.

2) Syllabus of English Language

The agreement, Time and Tense, Parallel construction, Relative pronouns Determiners, Prepositions, Modals, Adjectives Voice, Transformation Question tags, Phrasal verbs Vocabulary Synonyms, Antonyms, Odd Word, One Word, Jumbled letters, Homophones, Spelling Contextual meaning, Analog, Reading, Comprehension, Content/ideas, Vocabulary, Referents, Idioms/Phrases, Reconstruction (rewording), Composition, Rearrangement Paragraph Unity, Linkers/Connectives.

3) Syllabus of Logical Reasoning

Detecting missing links, classifying words, direction, syllogism, establishing sequences, analogies, numbers, puzzles, blood relations, etc.

4) Syllabus of Verbal Analogy

Analogy, Classification, series completion, logical deduction-reading passage, chart logic, non-verbal reasoning, pattern perception, figure formation and analysis, paper cutting, figure matrix, rule detection.

BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus for Test-2

Following is the detailed BITS HD Admission Test 2023 Syllabus for Test-2:

1. Chemical Engineering

Chemical process calculation, fluid mechanics, chemical engineering thermodynamics, mass transfer, heat transfer, mechanical operations, chemical reaction engineering, chemical process technology, plant design and economics, process dynamics and control, etc.


2. Civil Engineering

Mechanics and Strength of materials, analysis of structures, design of concrete structures, design of steel structures, transportation engineering, surveying, construction planning and technology, solid mechanics and foundation engineering, water and wastewater treatment, water resource engineering.


3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electrical sciences, electromagnetics, digital electronics, signal and system and digital signal processing, electrical machines, control system and power electronics, power system and analog electronics, electronic devices and microelectronic circuits, microprocessors, communication systems, telecom switching.


4. Mechanical Engineering

Production techniques, material science, and engineering, production planning and control, design of machine elements, kinematics and dynamics of machines and vibrations, mechanics of solids, thermodynamics, applied thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and machines, heat transfer.


5. Computer Science

Discrete mathematics, theory of computation, data structures and algorithms, design and analysis of algorithms, digital electronics, and microprocessors, operating systems, computer organization and architecture, computer networks, compiler constructions, database systems


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