Subject code | Subjects | GSET Books (Authors / Publications) |
1 | Mathematical Sciences | - Complex Variables and Applications (Brown and Churchill), Ruel Churchill, James Brown
- CSIR-UGC, NET/JRF/SET Mathematical Sciences, Alok Kumar (Upkar)
2 | Physical Sciences | - Modern Physics and Solid-State Physics, S O Pillai
- CSIR-UGC NET (JRF & LS) Physical Science, W Malemnganba Chenglei
3 | Chemical Sciences | - A Logical Approach in Chemistry for CSIR/NET/JRF and GATE, Jagdamba Singh, Ashutosh Singh, Jaya Singh
- Molecular Quantum Mechanics, Peter W Atkins, Ronald Friedman
4 | Life Sciences | - Schaum’s Outline of Human Anatomy and Physiology, Van De Graaff Kent M.
- Developmental Biology, Scott. F. Gilbert
5 | Hindi | - Hindi Bhasha Ki Parampara Aur Vikas (Dr. Ramprakash)
- Hindi Sahitya Ka Sankshipt Itihas (Dr. Vishwanath Tripathi)
- Kavita Ke Naye Pratiman (Dr. Namvar Singh)
- Hindi bhasha evam sahitya ka vastunishth itihas by Saraswati pandey, Govind pandey
6 | Gujarati | |
7 | Sanskrit | - Sanskrit Sahitya ka Itihaas (Umashankar Sharma “Rishi”)
- Sanskrit Kavi Darshan (Bhola Shankar Vyas)
- UGC NET/JRF/SLET Sanskrit Prashan Patra-II Avum III (Hindi) by Priyanka Tiwari (Author), Arihant Experts (Publisher)
8 | History | - India since Independence by Bipan Chandra
- Trueman's UGC NET History by Promod Singh
9 | Sociology | - Sociology Themes and Perspectives (Michael Haralambos & Martin Holborn)
- Social Problems In India (Ram Ahuja)
- Trueman's UGC NET Sociology by S.Hussain
10 | Economics | - Indian Economy (Ramesh Singh)
- Economic Growth and Development (Mayer and Baldwin)
- Trueman's UGC NET Economics by Sriniwas Shirur
- UGC NET/JRF/SET Economics (Paper-II) -Upkar Prakashan (Author-Gopal Garg)
11 | Political Science | - An Introduction To Constitution (D. D. Basu)
- An Introduction To Political Theory (O.P. Gauba)
- Trueman's UGC NET Political Science by K.A. Babu, Sajit Kumar (Author)
- UGC Net Political Science by Rukmini Bhattacharjee (Arihant)
12 | English | - UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) English Literature by Arihant Experts
- Introduction to English Literature by W. H Hudson
- The Routledge History of Literature in English
13 | Education | - Trueman’s UGC NET Education by GaganManocha
14 | Psychology | - Psychology Class XI & XII (NCERT)
- Introduction to Psychology (Morgan & King)
- Trueman's UGC NET Psychology by Dr Swati Maharshi
- UGC Net Psychology 2018 by Siddharth Mittal and Naroj Kumar Sahu (Arihant Experts)
15 | Library and Information Science | - Trueman’s UGC NET Library and Information Science by S. Thakur (Author)
16 | Law | - Trueman’s UGC NET Law by Suman Chauhan
- UGC-NET: Law (Paper-II) Exam Guide by Aproov Bhardwaj (R Gupta’s Publication)
17 | Commerce | - Corporate Accounting (Naseem Ahmed)
- Accounting Standards (D. S. Rawat)
- Indian Financial System (M. Y. Khan)
- Trueman’s UGC NET Commerce by Parveen Kataria, Anshu Kataria, and M. Shivani
18 | Management | - Trueman’s UGC-NET Management by M. Shivani (Author)
- UGC NET/SET (JRF & LS) Management by Mohit Aggarwal (Arihant experts)
19 | Computer Science and Application | - Trueman’s UGC NET/SET Computer Science and Applications by Sanjay Singhal, Sameer Mishra
21 | Physical Education | - Trueman’s UGC NET Physical Education by Akhilesh Tripathi (Author), A.K. Srivastava (Author)
23 | Home Science | - Home Science (Surjeet Publications)
25 | Social Work | - Trueman’s UGC NET Education by Yogendra Pal