Madhya Pradesh ITI Application Form: Dates, Eligibility, Fee, Courses, How to Apply?
Updated On - February 14 2022 by Vikash Jha
MP ITI Application Form 2022 will be released online. MadhyaPradesh Industrial Training Institute Admissions or MP ITI Exam is a state-level admissions process run by the Madhya Pradesh Directorate of Skill Development. Candidates seeking admission to various offered Technical and Non-Technical ITI Courses of Govt. and Private Institutions across the MP State will be able to participate in the admission procedure. Candidates will be shortlisted for subsequent admission procedures based on the merit list. We have included all information on MP ITI Examination 2022 on Madhya Pradesh ITI Admission 2021, along with the most recent updates.
Madhya Pradesh ITI Admissions Application Form 2022
The Madhya Pradesh ITI Application Form will be available online only starting in the fourth week of July 2022.
Only eligible candidates will be permitted to fill out registration forms, thus they must validate their eligibility before enrolling for the MP ITI 2022.
Candidates must finish their MP ITI Application form 2022 with extreme attention, as there will be no opportunity to rectify the mistakes made.
Applicants must fill out the MP ITI Application form with accurate and authentic information, as any changes to the information could result in the application being rejected.
Candidates must submit their applications by the third week of September 2022, as the registration portal will close after that time.
Candidates are recommended to obtain a printout of their completed Madhya Pradesh application.
Candidates are recommended to print a copy of their completed Madhya Pradesh ITI Application form 2022 as well as their fee receipt for future reference.
MP ITI 2022 Admission Form Fee
Only online submissions of Madhya Pradesh Industrial Training Institute Admissions2022 are accepted.
The application fee can be paid using a debit/credit card or a Net Banking payment portal.
MP ITI 2022 would charge Rs. 85/- as an application fee.
How to Apply for MP ITI 2022?
'' is the official website for filling out the Madhya Pradesh ITI application form.
Candidates must complete an online registration form at the above-mentioned website.
From July 3rd, 2022 MP ITI online registration will be available.
Fill the form correctly and with up-to-date details.
Candidates must fill out the form with their name, father's name, course, correspondence address, e-mail address, phone number, and educational qualifications.
Candidates must pay an Rs.250 application fee, which can be paid via net banking, credit/debit card, or cash.
Only Rs.150/- is required for reserved groups such as SC/ST candidates.
After making a successful payment, fill out the application form and print it out for future reference.
MP ITI 2022 Important Instructions
Candidates must complete and submit the online application form by the deadline.
The upgrade option is available to candidates who have registered in ITI and want to alter their assigned trade into a high-priority business.
In this case, the scheduled course will be cancelled, but the engaged trade will continue if a high-priority course is not available.
Those who were previously assigned to the course but did not enroll in ITI can choose to upgrade and enroll in a higher priority trade. In this case, seat allocation in the previously assigned course will be cancelled, but in the event that a high-priority course is not available, the previously assigned course will stay in effect.
Such students who had been assigned a trade in the first or second stage but had not joined it would have their trade assigned for up-gradation automatically revoked.
If the new option does not fill, the candidate will be removed from the application process entirely. Please keep in mind that selecting a new option will cancel the previously selected business and admittance, although the candidate's new Choice Filling will continue to be used.
Form Start Date:
22 Jul 2022
Form End Date:
10 Aug 2022
The last date to submit the form was on 10 Aug 2022