WB ANM & GNM - Preparation Tips

West Bengal Joint Entrance Test for ANM(R) & GNM Courses

WBJEEB Common Entrance Test ANM(R) & GNM-2023 Preparation Tips

Updated On - January 15 2023 by Abhinandan Singh

Preparing for the WBJEEB Common Entrance Test (ANM(R) & GNM-2023) can seem overwhelming. To make things easier, here are some tips to help you in your preparation journey: stay organized, practice regularly, review test material, maintain good health and focus, and keep up-to-date with changing trends. Put these tips into action and you'll be well on your way to mastering this challenging exam!

WBJEEB  Common Entrance Test ANM(R) & GNM-2023 Preparation Tips

1. Start Preparing Early: Preparing for the WBJEEB Common Entrance Test ANM(R) & GNM-2023 should begin well in advance – it’s never too early to start. The sooner you start the easier it will be to stay on target and monitor your progress. Develop a study plan that fits your schedule and goals, aim at studying every day so that you can ensure thorough preparation come exam time. 

2. Salient Points of Syllabus: Familiarise yourself with the syllabus before beginning preparation. This will help you gain clarity about what to expect from the test and prepare accordingly. It is important to have a solid understanding of general topics related to health sciences and other relevant material, such as anthropology, social studies, physics, biology, chemistry, biochemistry and mathematics along with various medical issues related to nursing practice like nutrition and breastfeeding technique etc 

3. Buy Updated Books: Invest in updated books which are published especially for WBJEEB Common Entrance Tests such as ANM(R) & GNM-2023 / Study Guides by Experts or A Complete Success Package/Test Series from reliable sources which includes question papers from previous year exams along with full solutions etc . According national norms most probably questions papers will be prepared considering NCERT books.

4. Strategize Time: Work out a realistic but sturdy strategy when planning the preparation calendar for this exam . Allote specific amount of time required for each task if necessary use alarms or notifications on your smartphone everyday for completion of certain tasks or activities within a definite period of time / Dont overload yourself with too much unnecessary tasks/ Take small breaks between alotting time / Use past year papers and mock tests available online.

5. Previous Year Paper Analysis: Going through previous years’ paper analysis helps identify key trends and types of questions asked during different years thereby gives an insight into expected questions that could appear in future exams like this .It also provides students clear knowledge about the examination pattern , type & difficulty level of questions , marking schemes followed by examination body etc .

6. Online Preparation Courses : There are many online preparatory courses available nowdays along with self learning aids like ebooks , ppts ,documentaries , podcasts etc avaiable over internet which could help gain clear understanding & knowledge even at remote places where access to teachers isrestricted due topandemic condition prevailing across world .

7. Practise Tests : Regular practice tests can provide probable insights into expected problems areas while increasing confidence towards decisive response during actual exam scenario especially when these are made availabe organizationally having strong feedback loop in place considering expected difficulty level range

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