Bihar Agricultural University Sabour Bhagalpur offers B.Tech, B.Sc, and B.V.Sc & A.H. courses at the UG level and offers M.Sc and M.V.Sc at the PG level.
Bihar Agricultural University also offers a Ph.D. course at the Research level. The residential requirement is 4 semesters for Masters & 6 semesters for Ph.D. Degree Programme. The examination of all Under and Post Graduates courses are held in different sessions. University conducts Winter Session Examination for Under and Post Graduate courses for Term End Examination in
March And April. The BAU conducts practical and Viva Examination Internal
May And June. University conducts even semester examinations in April- May while odd semester exams are conducted in November-December. University is also supposed to release the compartment results, revaluation result, Toppers List, and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the BAU website.
BAU Result 2020
Bihar Agricultural University will release the Even semester i.e. (2nd, 4th, 6th) and Odd semester i.e, (1st, 3rd, 5th) the exam is conducted by the university. There are various results available on the official website. The mentioned results are for the UG course, PG course, and semester wise UG course. The exams are conducted in semester patterns i.e. odd and even semester. The end semester of an odd semester is conducted in November. The end semester of even semester is conducted in April.
How to Check BAU Result?
Candidates have to visit the official website of this university, Next steps Candidates can see the home page of Bihar Agriculture Now candidates can select the examination result, on the examination tab. The following are the procedure as mentioned below for the students to check the Bihar Agricultural University result and they need to follow it.
- Step 1: Visit the official website of this university,
- Step 2: Candidates can see the home page of Bihar Agriculture University
- Step 3: Select the examination result, on the examination tab
- Step 4: Then, you can view the result portal displayed on the screen.
- Step 5: Select your desired exam result link that you like to check.
- Step 6: After that, a page will appear displaying the This university result 2020 PDF.
- Step 7: Students can check their result by name wise or else they can also check by roll no wise.
- Step 8: The result will display on the screen in PDF.
- Step 9: Take a print out of the result for future reference.
Details Provided on BAU Result
The Bihar Agriculture University results will have these following details such as:-
- Name of the student
- Registration Number
- Enrollment Number
- Date of birth
- Course/programs
- Semester
- Hall ticket number
- Gender
- Date of exam
- Category
- Marks obtained in each subject
- Practical marks/internal assessment (if applicable)
- Theory marks
- Total marks
- Marks percentage
- Result status (pass/fail)
Note: In case of any disperiency, candidates must contact the exam conducting authority of the university
Bihar Agricultural University
The Bihar Agricultural University was established as the second agricultural university of the state on August 5, 2010, at the initiative of visionary Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar who is aiming at ensuring rainbow revolution in the state. The main campus of the newly created university is located at the erstwhile Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour. The university has 8 colleges (6 crop sciences + 1 Veterinary and 1 dairy science) and 12 research stations spread in 3 agro-ecological zones of Bihar. The University also has 20 K V Ks established 20 of the 25 districts falling under the jurisdiction of the university.