Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune (SPPU PUNE) - Results

State University


Pune, Maharashtra

State University


Pune, Maharashtra

SPPU Results 2020: Even semester results, How to check?

Updated On - July 29 2020 by Srishti Pandey

SPPU Result 2020 will be released by Savitribai Phule Pune University. SPPU has published the semester-wise results for the exams conducted by it for all the departments. SPPU helds semester exams twice a year. University conducts even semester examinations in April- May while odd semester exams are conducted in November-December. Results for the same are published within the two-three months of examination. University is also supposed to release the provisional results, revaluation result, Toppers List and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the SPPU website. 
Latest Update: 
Sr. NoCourse NameResult Date
1BPharmacy(2019 Pattern)-APR 202028-July-2020
2B.Sc.(BIOTECHNOLOGY) (2013) EXAM.- APRIL 202028-July-2020
3B.Sc.(ANIMATION) (2016) EXAM.- APRIL 202028-July-2020
4M.A./M.Sc. in Statistics(2018.Pattern)-APR 202027-July-2020
5M.A./M.Sc. in Statistics(2019-Pattern)-APR 202027-July-2020
6M.Sc. ZOOLOGY(Rev.19) - APRIL 202025-July-2020
7M.A. GEOGRAPHY (Rev.19)- APRIL 202025-July-2020
8M.Sc. PHYSICS(Rev.19) - APRIL 202025-July-2020
12BHMCT(Rev.19)-APR 202024-July-2020
13MASTER OF ARTS (REV.2019) - APRIL 202024-July-2020
14B.Sc.(COMP.SC.) (2013) EXAM.- APRIL 202023-July-2020
15B.Sc. (2013) EXAM.- APRIL 202023-July-2020
16M.Sc. BIO-CHEMISTRY(Rev.19) - APRIL 202023-July-2020
17M.Sc. DRUG CHEMISTRY(Rev.19) - APRIL 202023-July-2020
18First Year B.Sc.(Computer Science)2019 Credit Pattern-APRIL 202022-July-2020
19First Year B.Sc.(HS)2019 Credit Pattern-APRIL 202021-July-2020
20BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE(REV.2015)(First Year)-APR 202021-July-2020
21BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE(REV.2015)(Second Year)-APR 202021-July-2020
22BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE(REV.2015)(Third Year)-APR 202021-July-2020
23BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE(REV.2015)(Fourth Year)-APR 202021-July-2020
24BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE(REV.2019) - APR 202021-July-2020
25First Year B.Sc.(Biotech)2019 Credit Pattern-APRIL 202021-July-2020
26M.Sc. MICROBIOLOGY(Rev.19)- APRIL 202021-July-2020
27M.Sc. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE(Rev.19) - APRIL 202021-July-2020
28M.Sc. BIOTECHNOLOGY(Rev.19) - APRIL 202021-July-2020
30S.E.(2015 PAT.) MAY 202020-July-2020
31M.Sc. ELECTRONICS (Rev-19) - APRIL 202020-July-2020
32MASTER OF PHARMACY (Rev.2019) - APRIL 202020-July-2020
33M.Sc.(COMPUTER SCIENCE) (Rev.19) - APRIL 202020-July-2020
34M.Sc. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Rev.19) - APRIL 202020-July-2020
35M.Sc. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY (Rev.19) - APRIL 202020-July-2020
36M.Sc. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY(Rev.19) - APRIL 202013-July-2020
37M.Sc. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Rev.19) - APRIL 202013-July-2020
38M.Sc. MATHEMATICS (Rev.19) - APRIL 202013-July-2020
40F.E.(2015 PAT.) MAY 202013-July-2020
41M.Sc.(COMPUTER APPLICATIONS)(Rev.19) - APRIL 202013-July-2020
42F.E.2012 EXAMINATION MAY 202011-July-2020
43F.E.2014 EXAMINATION MAY 202011-July-2020
44S.E.(2008 PATTERN)-APR 202011-July-2020
45F.E.(2008 PATTERN)-APR 202010-July-2020
46MCOM(REV.2008) APR.202010-July-2020
47MCOM REV.19 APR.202010-July-2020
48First Year BCA(Science)2019 Credit Pattern-APRIL 202010-July-2020
49MAJMC REV.19 APR.202009-July-2020

SPPU Result 2020

Savitribai Phule Pune University has released the  semester results of most of the courses recently in the month of April/ July. The remaining results would be announced soon in the coming weeks. SPPU provides an opportunity to revaluate the copy of Examination answer sheet of B.Arch, M.Sc and all other courses for the students who are not satisfied with the marks secured by them in the semester exam. All the candidates need to visit the official website and check the respective courses and year/semester exam result through the roll number and registration number. 

How to download SPPU Result 2020?

The University will release the semester exam result in online mode at its official website. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download SPPU Result 2020.
  • Step 1: Visit the SPPU Official Website.
  • Step 2: Click on the ‘Examination’ tab from the "Home tab"
  • Step 3: Then, select the course for which the candidate wants to check the result.
  • Step 4: Enter in the Login credentials such as Hall Ticket Number and Password. Click on the ‘Sign In’ button.
  • Step 5: Result will be  appearing  on the screen.
  • Step 6: Candidate is advised to download and print the result for future use.

Details Printed on SPPU Result 2020

Students are advised to check out the details printed on semester exam result of the Savitribai Phule Pune University.
  • Exam Name
  • Semester/ Year
  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Roll Number
  • Subject Code & Name
  • Internal and External Marks
  • Total Marks
  • Grades/ Result
Note: In case of any disperiency, candidates must contact the exam conducting authority of the university.

SPPU Semester Exams

The semester final examinations shall be held at the end of each semester in each course. The semester final examination is mainly the theory paper of three hours duration. The Candidate's must make sure that they should  fulfil all the University norms to be eligble for the Semester examinations. lt is be the responsibility of the university to conduct the theory portion of the semester final examination. Practical examinations shall be conducted by the respective colleges. ln affiliated colleges, the final practical examination shall be conducted and evaluated by the - nominated teacher from University College.

Revaluation of Answer Sheet

Savitribai Phule Pune  University provides an opportunity by which candidates who are not satisfied by the marks secured by them can apply for revaluation. The revaluation forms will be available online at the university's official website by filling correct details such as Correct roll number and subjects to be revaluated. Incomplete forms will not be accepted by the university under any circumstances. The candidate will have to apply for revaluation of answer sheet only during the dates set by the authority. Nobody has the authority to apply for the revaluation of answer sheet of any other applicant. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.

SPPU Revaluation Application

After the declaration of result, in case any student is not satisfied with his/ her result. He/ She can opt for the Revaluation of the subject exam. Candidates can apply for the rechecking of the answer sheet within one week after the declaration of results. This provision helps the candidate's in improving or upgrading their results. The result of rechecking shall also be declared within a month, students can check the result after revaluation from the official website by following the steps given below to check revaluation result:

  • Visit the official website of the University i.e.
  • Now go to the Examination Section which is available in the notification tab.
  • Click on the Revaluation Result link available on the notice board tab.
  • Now select your courses year branch, which results in what you want to check.
  • Enter the  roll number and finally press the submit button
  • Your Result will be appearing on your screen.
  • Candidate must print the result for future reference.

Savitri Bai Phule Pune University 

Savitribai Phule Pune University, also known as Pune University is one of the premier universities in India. Pune University is situated in the North-western part of Pune City and was established on February 10th, 1949 under the Poona University Act. The 411-Acre campus houses 46 academic departments. Pune University has several 718 affiliated colleges and research institutes. The University ranks 4th in state of Maharashtra and 10th in NIRF rankings of country.

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