Siddharth University Kapilvastu (SIDUNI KAPILVASTU) - Results

State University


Pachangawa, Uttar Pradesh

State University


Pachangawa, Uttar Pradesh

Siddharth University Result 2020: Result(Announced), How to download?

Updated On - August 10 2020 by Srishti Pandey

SIDUNI Result 2020 will be released by Siddharth University. SIDUNI publishes the semester-wise (ODD/EVEN) results for the exams conducted by it. SIDUNI conducts semester exams twice a year. University helds even semester examinations in April- May while odd semester exams are conducted in November-December. Results for the same are published within the three-four months of examination. The University also conducts the Back Paper / Improvement exam for the students and releases the results. University is also supposed to release the provisional results, revaluation result, Toppers List and other notification along with the semester results which students can download from the SIDUNI website. 

Latest Updates:

Exam NameDate of ReleaseLink
M. A. ( Urdu ) 1st Year Exam 2020July 24, 2020Check Here
M. A. ( Sociology ) I yearJuly 24, 2020Check Here
M. A. ( Hindi ) I yearJuly 24, 2020Check Here
M. A. ( History ) I yearJuly 24, 2020Check Here
M. A. ( Ancient History ) I yearJuly 24, 2020Check Here
M. A. ( Sanskrit ) I yearJuly 24, 2020Check Here
M. A. ( Political Science ) I yearJuly 24, 2020Check Here
BCA 3rd Semester July 23, 2020Check Here
M.Sc (Ag) Agronomy 1st semesterJuly 23, 2020Check Here
M.Sc (Ag) Agricultural Extension 1st Semester July 23, 2020Check Here
M.Sc (Defence and Strategic studies)July 8, 2020Check Here
BBA 3rd SemesterJune 25, 2020Check Here
BCA 1st Semester June 26, 2020Check Here
BBA- I SemesterMar 03, 2020Check Here
BBA- V SemesterMar 03, 2020Check Here
LLB- V SemesterMar 03, 2020Check Here
MCOM- I SemesterMar 03, 2020Check Here
M.Com.- III SemesterMar 03, 2020Check Here
MSc Mathematics- I SemesterFeb 25, 2020Check Here
MSc Mathematics- III SemesterFeb 25, 2020Check Here
MSc (BOTANY)- I SemesterFeb 18, 2020Check Here
M.Sc (Botany) - 3rd Semester Feb 18, 2020Check Here
M.Sc ( Chemistry) - 1st Semester Feb 18, 2020Check Here
M.Sc ( Chemistry) - 3rd Semester Feb 18, 2020Check Here
M.Sc (Zoology) - 1st Semester Feb 18, 2020 Check Here
LLB 1st Semester Feb 14, 2020Check Here
LLB 3rd Semester Feb 14, 2020 Check Here
M.Sc (Physics) - 1st Semester Feb 14, 2020 Check Here
M.Sc ( Physics) - 3rd Semester Feb 14, 2020Check Here
M.Sc (Zoology) - 3rd Semester Feb 14, 2020Check Here
MA ( Economics) - 1st Semester January 31, 2020Check Here
MA (Economics)- 3rd Semester January 31, 2020Check Here
M.A.(HINDI)-I Semester
January 20, 2020Check Here
M.A.(HINDI)-III Semester 
January 21, 2020 Check Here

SIDUNI Result 2020

Siddharth University has released the Odd semester results i.e. (1st, 3rd, 5th) for the various courses such as M.Sc, BBA, BCA etc on its Official Website. SIDUNI provides an opportunity to revaluate the copy of Examination answer sheet of B.BA, M.Sc and all other courses for the students who are not satisfied with the marks secured by them in the semester exam. The candidates have to visit the official website and check the respective courses and year/semester exam result through the roll number and registration number. 

How to Check Siddharth University Result 2019?

The University will release the semester exam result in online mode at its official website. Candidates can follow the steps mentioned below to download SIDUNI Result 2020
  • STEP 1: Visit the Official website of Siddharth University.
  • STEP 2: University's homepage will appear, then click on the result.
  • STEP 3: Result page will display, click the link to check the result.
  • STEP 4: The result will get open in the new tab.
  • STEP 5: Enter the Login credentials such as Roll number or admit card number.
  • STEP 6: Check the result and take the print out.

Details Printed on Siddhath University Result 2019

Candidates are advised to check out the details printed on semester exam result of the Siddharth University. 

  • Name of Student
  • Father’s Name
  • Enrollment No
  • Exam Roll No
  • Course Id
  • Papers Id
  • Marks
  • Status
  • Total Marks
  • Total Obtained Marks

SIDUNI Semester Exams

The semester final examinations shall be held at the end of each semester in each course. The semester/annual final examination is mainly the theory paper of three hours duration. The candidates must fulfil all the eligibility norms as per the university to be able to appear for the semester/annual examination. lt shall be the responsibility of the university to conduct the theory portion of the semester final examination. Practical examinations shall be conducted by the respective colleges. ln affiliated colleges, the final practical examination shall be conducted and evaluated by the - nominated teacher from University College. The University also conducts the Back Paper / Improvement exam for the students who are unable to pass in the exam or wish to improve the exam. 

Siddharth University Results Due Paper

Students who have failed in a paper or any subject need to reappear for the exam or paper. The university arranges for backlog examination. Students will have to appear for the backlog examination for that particular paper. The application for backlog examination is available on the official website. Students applying for the backlog exam would also need to pay the exam fees per paper for the backlog exam.

Revaluation of Answer Sheet

Siddharth University provides an opportunity by which candidates who are not satisfied by the marks secured by them can apply for revaluation or scrutiny. The revaluation forms will be available online at the university's official website. Incomplete forms will not be accepted by the university under any circumstances. The candidate will have to apply for revaluation of answer sheet within 15 days from the declaration of results. Nobody has the authority to apply for the revaluation of answer sheet of any other applicant. After filling the form, candidates have to deposit the requisite fees which will be non-refundable in any case.

SIDUNI Revaluation Application

After the declaration of result, in case any student is not satisfied with his/ her result. Then, he/ She can opt for the Revaluation of the subject exam. Candidates can apply for the rechecking of the answer sheet within 15 days from the declaration of main result. The result of rechecking shall also be declared within a month, students can check the result after revaluation from the official website by following the steps given below to check revaluation result:

  • Visit the official website of the University i.e.
  • Navigate to the Examination Section which is available in the notification tab.
  • Click on the Revaluation Result link available on the notice board tab.
  • Then, select your courses year branch, which results in what you want to check.
  • Enter roll number and finally press the submit button
  • Your Result will be displaying on your screen.
  • Candidate must take  printout of the result for future reference.

About Siddharth University

Siddharth University, Kapilvastu (SU) is a state university in Siddharth Nagar, Uttar Pradesh (UP) India. It was founded on 17 June 2015 by Government of Uttar Pradesh at Kapilvastu, Siddharth Nagar. The university hosts B.A, B.Com, M.Com, M.A. and other UG & PG programs on the campus with permanent faculty. Siddharth University began its first season in 2015-16 with affiliated colleges. These colleges were formerly affiliated to Deen Dayal Upadhyay, Gorakhpur University, and Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhy. 




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