State University
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
State University
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Under Graduation
4 years
Full Time
₹ 153,925
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
₹ 45,925 | ₹ 36,000 | ₹ 36,000 | ₹ 36,000 |
Agricultural Engineering [AGRI ENG], Biotechnology Engineering [BIOTECH ENG], Food Technology [FOOD TECH], Bio Informatics [BIO INFO]
Under Graduation
4 years
Full Time
₹ 156,625
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 |
₹ 45,925 | ₹ 36,900 | ₹ 36,900 | ₹ 36,900 |
Horticulture [HORTICULTURE], Agriculture [AGRI], Sericulture [SERI], Food Science [FS]
Post Graduation
2 years
Full Time
₹ 101,036
Year 1 | Year 2 |
₹ 56,792 | ₹ 44,244 |
Plant Pathology [PP], Horticulture [HORTICULTURE], Agricultural Economics [AGRI ECO], Agronomy [AGRONOMY], Agricultural Statistics [AGRI STAT], Agricultural Entomology [AGRI ENT], Environmental Science [ENVI SCI], Food Technology [FOOD TECH], Agricultural Microbiology [AGRI MICRO], Soil science [SOIL SCI], Floriculture and Landscaping [FL], Fruit Science [FRU SCI], Genetics and Plant Breeding [GPB], Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry [SS AC], Vegetable Science [VEG SCI], Plant Physiology [PP], Sericulture [SERI], Crop Physiology [CP], Spices and Plantation Technology [SPT], Agricultural Meteorology [AM], Nematology [NEMAT], Silvi Culture and Agro Forestry [SC & AF], Extension Education [EXT EDU]
2 years
Full Time
₹ 38,400
Year 1 | Year 2 |
₹ 19,215 | ₹ 19,185 |
Horticulture [HORTICULTURE], Agriculture [AGRI]
3 years
Full Time
₹ 195,264
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
₹ 80,416 | ₹ 57,424 | ₹ 57,424 |
Plant Pathology [PP], Agricultural Economics [AGRI ECO], Agronomy [AGRONOMY], Agricultural Entomology [AGRI ENT], Agriculture Genetics & Plant Breeding [AGRI GEN PB], Agricultural Extension [AGRI EXT], Soil science [SOIL SCI], Floriculture and Landscaping [FL], Fruit Science [FRU SCI], Genetics and Plant Breeding [GPB], Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry [SS AC], Vegetable Science [VEG SCI], Food and Nutrition [FN], Seed Science and Technology [SST], Sericulture [SERI], Agro Meteorology [AGRO METRO], Crop Physiology [CP], Nematology [NEMAT], Agricultural Biotechnology [AB]