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AP PGECET - Eligibility Criteria

Andhra Pradesh Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test

Computer Based Test

AP PGECET 2023 Eligibility Criteria : Qualification Required, Nationality

Updated On - November 03 2022 by Swagota Nandi

AP PGECET 2023 Eligibility Criteria has been released by Andhra University, Visakhapatnam on its official website along with the Information Brochure. The candidates must fulfil the minimum eligibility requirements to apply for  Andhra Pradesh Post Graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test. Through this exam, applicants will be given admission to M.E./ M.Tech./ M.Pharm./Pharm.D(PB). Read the complete article to know more about AP PGECET Eligibility Criteria 2023. 

AP PGECET 2023 Eligibility Criteria

The candidates satisfying the following requirements shall be eligible to appear for AP PGECET 2023:

  • They should be of Indian Nationality.
  • They should belong to the State of Andhra Pradesh. The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status requirements as laid down in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions.
  • Should have obtained a Bachelors's qualifying degree or its equivalent in the relevant field with at least 50% marks (45% in case of reserved category candidates) for admission into the relevant M.Tech./ M.Pharmacy /Pharm.D(PB) courses into the courses corresponding to the Degrees.
  • Candidates who are pursuing a B.Tech or its equivalent / B.pharm. courses shall be eligible for entry into the relevant M.Tech./ M.Pharmacy/Pharm.D(PB) courses provided they have completed the prescribed course and passed all the subjects.

Eligibility for Admission into M.Tech./ M.Pharm./Pharm.D(PB) Courses:

Candidates should have appeared & qualified AP PGECET in the test paper relevant to the course in which the admission is sought.

  • Admission to 85% of the seats in each course shall be reserved for the local candidates and the remaining
    15% of the seats shall be un-reserved seats as specified in the Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions.
  • While filling up the seats in colleges, first preference will be given to GATE / GPAT qualified candidates
    in the relevant branch and the remaining seats with the candidates qualified in APPGECET as per their merit ranks.

Explanation of Local & Non-Local Candidates

The candidate can check below what does Local Candidate means:

  • A candidate shall be regarded as a local candidate about a Local Area:
    • If he/she has studied in an educational Institution or Institutions in the local area for a period of not less than 04 consecutive academic years ending with the year in which he/she appeared, first appeared in the relevant qualifying examination.


    • Where, during the whole or any part of the four consecutive academic years, he/she has not studied in any Educational Institutions, if he/she has resided in that local area for a period of not less than four years immediately preceding the date of commencement of the relevant qualifying examination in which he/she appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared.
  • A Candidate who is not regarded as a local candidate under clause (A) about any local area shall be declared local to an area based on the following criteria:
    • If he has studied in Educational Institutions in the State for a period of not less than seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared.


    • Where the period of his/her study in two or more local areas is equal, such local area, where he/she has studied last in such equal period, or If, during the whole or any part of seven consecutive academic years ending with the academic year in which he/she appeared or, as the case may be, first appeared for the relevant qualifying examination, if he/she has not studied in the educational Institutions in any local area, but has resided in the State for 07 years.
  • The following categories will be eligible to apply for admission to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats:
    • All the candidates are eligible to be declared as local candidates.
    • Candidates who have resided in the State for a total period of 10 years excluding periods of
      study outside the State or either of whose parents have resided in the State for a total period of
      ten years excluding the period of employment outside the State. The following categories of candidates will be eligible to apply to the remaining 15% of unreserved seats:
    • Candidates who are children of parents who are employed in State or Central Government, Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities, and other similar quasi-public Institutions, within the State.
    • Candidates who are spouses of employed personnel of the State or Central Government,
      Public Sector Corporations, Local Bodies, Universities, and Educational Institutions recognized
      by the Government or University OR other competent authority and similar quasi Government
      Institutions within the State.

AP PGECET 2023 Application Form

The candidates can fill the AP PGECET application form online on the official website of Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. The applicants must fill the form on or before the due date.

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Form Start Date:

15 Mar 2023

Form End Date:

31 Mar 2023

The last date to submit the form was on 31 Mar 2023
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Examination Date (Online):

28 May 2023, 29 May 2023

Application Fees:

₹ 1,000

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01 Jan 2024-06 Feb 2024


29 Dec 2022-14 Feb 2023


15 Aug 2023-15 Jan 2024


01 Feb 2023-22 Feb 2023


20 Dec 2022-31 May 2023

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