DTE Kerala LET 2022 Answer Key will be soon released by The Kerala Government's Directorate of Technical Education (DTE). Candidates who took the exam can compare their answers to the answer key before the DTE Kerala 2022 results are released. However, the final answer key for DTE Kerala LET 2022 will be available on the official website before the announcement of the results. Candidates will be able to calculate their exam score and anticipate their ranks using the DTE Kerala LET 2022 answer key. Candidates in an undergraduate BTech engineering degree course will be admitted directly into the second or third year within the state of Kerala through the DTE Kerala LET. The examination is held once a year. To learn everything there is to know about the DTE Kerala LET 2022 answer key, read this page.
Answer key for DET Kerala LET 2022
Read all the vital information carefully to know more about the DTE Kerala LET 2022
- Before the DTE Kerala LET 2022 result is announced, a preliminary answer key will be released.
- Candidates will be able to guess their marks using the DTE Kerala LET answer key before the final result.
- Candidates can file objections and contest the DTE Kerala LET answer key once the official DTE Kerala LET answer keys are released.
- Before the results are declared, the final answer keys will be released.
- For every dispute against the DTE Kerala LET answer key, a candidate must pay an additional price.
- This method requires online payment, which is non-refundable.
Procedure to download the Answer key for DET Kerala LET 2022
The steps to download the DTE Kerala LET 2022 are mentioned below. Candidates are requested to keep following the below steps :
- Visit the website's official link.
- http://admissions.dtekerala.gov.in/ is a link to admissions.dtekerala.gov.in.
- Select "DTE Kerala LET 2022 Answer Key" from the drop-down menu.
- The answer key for the DTE Kerala LET will be accessible in PDF format.
- DTE Kerala LET answer keys for all topics are available to download.
- Print the DTE Kerala LET 2022 answer key for future reference.
Exam Pattern for DTE Kerala Let 2022
The following mentioned points explain in short the exam pattern for DTE Kerala LET 2022
- The DTE Kerala LET test is an objective type admission exam that uses OMR.
- The Joint Controller of Technical Examinations, Kaimanam, Thiruvananthapuram, conducts the two-hour exam.
- Aspirants will receive three points for each correct response, and one point will be subtracted for each question improperly answered.
- When more than one bubble is placed against a question, it is deemed a bad response.
- If you erase, overwrite, or partially mark a question, it will be considered an erroneous answer.
- There will be no deductions for any questions that are not answered.
- DTE Kerala LET will include questions from first-year BTech disciplines as well as the English language.