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GRE General Test 2022 : Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Best GRE Books

Updated On - March 07 2022 by Vikash Jha

GRE 2022: GRE General Test is one of the largest assessment programs for the admission of graduate students. The examination is conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The full form of the GRE is Graduate Record Examination. There are as many as half a million individuals appearing for the GRE test across 160 countries. The GRE scores are accepted at thousands of graduate programs throughout the world for both Masters and Doctorate degrees.
GRE 2022 Exam Pattern
Paper Based Examination -The paper-based examination has two sub-sections for each of the main categories. The main categories include Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning and also analytical writing. There are two tasks under the analytical writing part that the entire duration for this is 1 hour. Under Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning, there are two sections and 50 questions each and the maximum time limit is 60 to 70 minutes.
Computer Based Examination- For the computer-based pattern each of the sections is divided into two subsections that gain have 40 questions each. The analytical writing just has one section and this contains two tasks and the time duration for this is 1 hour. Other than the main sections, there are also two other variable sections included in the computer-based examination. Once the quantitative reasoning part is complete there is a 10 minutes break. The two variable sections namely the Unscored and the Research section are not included in the final GRE scores. The GRE pattern might change from time to time, however, the crux of the matter is more or less the same.

GRE 2022 Syllabus

Candidates who intend to take the GRE 2022 exam must prepare a personalized study plan as per their requirements and design it as per the latest GRE 2022 syllabus as soon as possible.
The GRE 2022 syllabus is divided into three broad sections:
  1. Analytical Writing Assessment: This section evaluates the test taker’s ability to critically scrutinize complex issues, analyse arguments and put forth their thoughts reasonably.
  2. Verbal Reasoning: This section evaluates the examinee’s ability to read and analyse the written material in the standard English language. There are three types of questions under this section:
    (1) Sentence Equivalence
    (2) Reading Comprehension
    (3) Text Completion
  3. Quantitative Reasoning: This section evaluates the examinee’s knowledge of mathematical concepts like Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Data Analysis, etc.

Best GRE Books 2022

There are a lot of books that you can use to prepare for the GRE exam. Investing in the more reputable and popular ones is likely to yield optimal results. To begin with, here are some points that will guide you in choosing the best GRE books available:
  • Before buying a GRE 2022 prep book, check for the quality and relevance of content. Skim through the information in the book and determine if it has all the important concepts related to GRE.
  • Check whether the book has sufficient practice questions from all the areas of the GRE exam. If yes, make sure the questions are modelled on the actual GRE test with the same difficulty level. Ideally, a GRE preparation book should offer questions at all the levels of difficulty that are likely to be tested in the exam (this is due to the fact that the Verbal and Quant sections are computer-adaptive in nature).
  • Go through the answer explanations given in the book, and examine if it is detailed and easy to understand.
  • Buy the latest edition of the book – this is important, as a new edition will definitely be released every year with updated data and information.
Here are some best GRE books that align with the aforementioned conditions:
  • The Official GRE Guide Super Power Pack – This is a pack of General, Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning guides. This set of books is one of the most reliable and useful preparation resources for GRE. The official guide comprises all the information regarding the GRE, including practice tests, sample questions, tips to answer the questions, etc. You can buy this book from the ETS GRE official website.
  • 5 LB. Book of GRE Practice Problems – The book includes more than 1800 questions to help you get a feel of the kind of questions you will be asked in the actual examination. Detailed explanations are provided for all these questions and you will find questions from all the sections of GRE in this book.

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