JKCET - Syllabus
Jammu & Kashmir Common Entrance Test
Pen & Paper Mode
Updated On - April 24 2023 by Abhinandan Singh
Given below are the subject wise important topics for all the subjects from which questions are generally asked in the JKCET entrance exam:
JKCET Syllabus for Physics comprises topics given below:
Some important topics from JKCET Syllabus for Chemistry are:
The mathematics section has questions from the following topics:
Topics | Weightage in (marks) | Topics | Weightage in (marks) |
The physical world and measurement | 2 | Oscillations and waves | 4 |
Kinematics | 3 | Electrostatics | 4 |
Laws of motion | 2 | Current electricity | 4 |
Work, energy, and power | 2 | Magnetic effects of current and magnetism | 5 |
The motion of the system of particles and rigid body | 2 | Electromagnetic induction and alt. Currents | 4 |
Gravitation | 2 | Electromagnetic waves | 2 |
Properties of bulk matter | 2 | Optics | 7 |
Thermodynamics | 2 | Dual nature of matter and radiation | 2 |
The behavior of perfect gas and kinetic theory | 2 | Atoms and Nuclei | 3 |
Communication system | 2 | Electronic devices | 4 |
Topics | Weightage in (marks) | Topics | Weightage in (marks) |
Chemical arithmetic and atomic structure | 3 | Chemical bonding and molecular structure | 4 |
Chemical equilibrium | 4 | Chemistry of representative elements | 4 |
Chemical kinetics | 2 | Transition elements including lanthanides | 2 |
Solutions | 2 | Co-ordination chemistry | 4 |
Chemical thermodynamics | 4 | Nomenclature and basic concepts in organic chemistry | 3 |
Redox reactions and electrochemistry | 3 | Hydrocarbons | 3 |
Solid-state and states of matter | 4 | Organic chemistry based on the functional group -1 | 2 |
Surface chemistry | 2 | Organic chemistry based on functional group-2 | 3 |
Periodic properties | 2 | Organic chemistry based on functional group-3 | 3 |
Polymers | 3 | Molecules of Life | 3 |
Topics | Marks Weightage | Topics | Marks Weightage |
Sets, relations, and functions | 6 | Sequence and series, permutation and combination, binomial theorem | 6 |
Complex number, linear equation, linear programming | 6 | Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions | 6 |
Integration and differential equation | 7 | Matrices and determinants | 4 |
Straight lines and conic sections | 5 | Limit, continuity, and differentiation | 8 |
Statistics and probability | 6 | Vectors and 3-d geometry | 6 |
04 Apr 2023
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