MP SET Syllabus 2022 will be released by the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) on its official portal for each subject separately. Applicants who are seeking to apply for Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test 2022 must know the syllabus for better preparation. Also, it helps in knowing the topics from which questions will be framed. Aspirants must go through the syllabus of SET 2022. Read the complete article to know the detailed syllabus of both paper 1 and 2 subjects.
MP SET Syllabus 2022
There are two papers in the
MP SET 2022 exam. The first paper is general and common for all candidates & the second paper is subject-specific which can be selected as per the candidate's preference. There are 19 subjects to select from in the second paper. The
Madhya Pradesh State Eligibility Test Syllabus consists of the indicative topics and subject areas from which the question paper is set for the exam. The complete syllabus is released by the Commission on the official website with the notification.
MP SET Syllabus 2022 Paper-1
Paper-1 of MP SET 2022 is based on General Awareness & Teaching and Research Aptitude. The main objective of this is to assess the teaching and research capabilities of all the seeking candidates.
I. Teaching Aptitude
- Teaching
- Factors affecting teaching
- Methods of teaching
- Teaching aids
- Learner’s characteristics
- Evaluation systems
II. Research Aptitude
- Research, Steps of research, Methods of research, Research ethics
- Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium
- Thesis writing
III. Reading Comprehension
- Questions are asked from a passage which can be of around 2-3 para.
IV. Communication
- Nature
- Characteristics
- Types
- Barriers
- Effective classroom communication
V. Reasoning (Including Mathematical)
- Number series
- Letter series
- Codes
- Relationships
- Classification
VI. Logical Reasoning
- Understanding the structure of arguments
- Evaluating the distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning
- Verbal analogies; Word analogy – Applied analogy
- Verbal classification
- Reasoning Logical Diagrams
- Venn diagram
- Analytical reasoning
VII. Data Interpretation
- Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Graphical representation and mapping of data
VIII. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- ICT: meaning, advantages, disadvantages and uses
- General abbreviations and terminology
- Basics of internet and e-mailing
IX. People and Environment
- People and environment interaction
- Sources of population
- Pollutants and their impact on human life, exploitation of natural and energy resources
- Natural hazards and mitigation
X. Higher Education System: Governance, Polity and Administration
- Structure of the institution for higher learning and research in India.
- Formal and distance education
- Professional/technical and general education
- Value education
- Governance, polity and administration
- Concept, institutions and their interactions
MP SET Syllabus 2022 Paper-2
MP SET Syllabus of Paper-2 is based on English, Hindi, Geograpgy, Economics, Commerce, etc. Check below to get the detailed syllabus for all subjects:
1 comment
Management subject is available in MP SET?