TS ECET - Syllabus

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Complete TS ECET 2023 Syllabus: Topics, Marking Scheme, and Preparation Tips

Updated On - May 09 2023 by Abhinandan Singh

TS ECET 2023 Syllabus is set by Osmania University Hyderabad on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education. TS ECET 2023 is conducted once a year at the state level to offer admission in 2nd year B.E. / B.Tech / B.Pharmacy & B.Sc Maths courses. Candidate should be well aware of the syllabus before starting preparation for the examination. Candidates will become familiar with the topic and can predict what kind of questions can come. Candidates can check TS ECET 2023 Syllabus from this article.
The TS ECET 2023 syllabus covers various topics from the fields of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering. The following are the important topics from each subject:
  • Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Complex Variables, Probability and Statistics, and Numerical Methods.
  • Physics: Units and dimensions, elements of vectors, kinematics, dynamics, friction, gravitation, thermal properties of matter, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics.
  • Chemistry: Atomic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, periodic table, solutions, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, electrochemistry, and surface chemistry.
  • Engineering: Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering.

The candidates must have a thorough understanding of these topics to perform well in the TS ECET 2023 exam.

TS ECET 2023 Syllabus

Given below is subject-wise TS ECET Syllabus:

B.Sc Mathematics Syllabus:

Successive differentiation

- Expansions of Functions

- Mean value theorems

- Indeterminate forms

- Curvature and Evolutes

- Partial differentiation

- Homogeneous functions

- Total derivative
- Maxima and Minima of functions of two variables, Asymptotes

- Envelopes

Differential Equations 

- Exact differential equations

- Integrating Factors

- Change in variables

- Total Differential Equations of the form
- Differential Equations first order but not of the first degree

- Equations Solvable for y

- Equations Solvable for x

- Equations that do not contain x or y

- Clairaut’s equation

Higher-order linear differential equations

- Solution of homogeneous linear differential
equations with constant coefficients

- Solution of non-homogeneous differential equations P (D)y = Q(x) with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators when Q(x) = be ax, b sin ax/b cos ax, bxk, V e ax

- Partial Differential equations

- Formation and solution

- Equations easily integrable

- Linear equations of first order


- Limits of Sequences

- Limit Theorems for Sequences

- Monotonic Sequences

- Cauchy Sequences – Subsequences

- Lim sup’s and Lim inf’s – Series – Test for convergence

-Alternating Series

Sequences and Series of Functions

- Power Series

- Uniform Convergence

- More on Uniform Convergence

- Differentiation and Integration of Power Series. The Riemann Integral

- Properties of Riemann Integral

- Fundamental Theorem of Calculus


- Definition and Examples of Groups

- Elementary Properties of Groups

- Finite Groups

- Subgroups

- Subgroup Tests

- Cyclic Groups

- Properties of Cyclic Groups

- Permutation Groups – Homomorphism – Isomorphism of Groups and their properties – Auto
morphism – Cosets – Normal Sub Groups

Introduction to Rings

- Examples of Rings

- Properties of Rings – Subrings

- Integral Domains – Field

- Characteristics of a Ring

- Ideals and Factor Rings

- Prime Ideals and Maximal Ideals

- Ring Homomorphisms – Isomorphism of Rings and their properties

- The Field of Quotients Polynomial Rings – Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphism

Vector Spaces

- Vector Spaces and Subspaces

- Null Spaces

- Column Spaces

- Linear Transformations

- Linearly Independent Sets

- Bases - Coordinate Systems

-The Dimension of a Vector Space

- Rank-Change of Basis

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

- The Characteristic Equation

- Diagonalization

- Eigenvectors and LinearTransformations

- Complex Eigenvalues – Orthogonality

- Inner Product – Length

- Orthogonality - Orthogonal Sets

 Solutions of Equations in One Variable

- The Bisection Method

- Fixed-Point Iteration

- Newton’s Method and Its Extensions

- Error Analysis for Iterative Methods

- Accelerating Convergence

- Zeros of Polynomials

- Interpolation

- Lagrange Polynomial

- Divided Differences

-Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Download B.Sc Mathematics Syllabus PDF.

Computer Science and Engineering Syllabus:


Definition of Matrix, Types of matrices-Algebra of matrices-Transpose of a matrix-Symmetric, skew-symmetric matrices-Minor, cofactor of an element-Determinant of a square matrix-Properties-Laplace‘s expansion-singular and nonsingular matrices-Adjoint and multiplicative inverse of a square matrix-System of linear equations in 3 variables-Solutions by Crammer‘s rule, Matrix inversion method-Gauss-Jordan method.

Partial Fractions: Resolving a given rational function into partial fractions.

Logarithms: Definition of logarithm and its properties, meaning of ‘e’ exponential function and logarithmic function. 


Properties of Trigonometric functions– Ratios of Compound angles, multiple angles, submultiple angles – Transformations of Products into sum or difference and vice versa- Simple trigonometric equations Properties of triangles–Inverse Trigonometric
functions, Hyperbolic functions.

Complex Numbers: Properties of Modulus, amplitude and conjugate of complex numbers, arithmetic operations on complex numbers—Modulus-Amplitude form (Polar form) - Euler form (exponential form) Properties.

Analytical GeometryStraight Lines–different forms of Straight Lines, distance of a point from a line, acute angle between two lines, intersection of two non-parallel lines and
distance between two parallel lines. Circles-Equation of circle given center and radius, given ends of diameter-General equation-finding center and radius, center and a point on the circumference, 3 non-collinear points, center and tangent, equation of tangent and normal at a point on the circle.
Differentiation and ApplicationFunctions and limits – Standard limits –
Differentiation from the First Principle – Differentiation of sum, product, quotient of functions, function of function, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic, Hyperbolic functions, implicit, explicit and parametric functions–Derivative of a function with respect to another function-Second order derivatives – Geometrical applications of the derivative(angle between curves, tangent and normal)–Increasing and decreasing functions–Maxima and Minima(single variable functions) using second-order derivative only - Partial Differentiation– Partial derivatives up to second-order–Euler‘s theorem.
Integration and Application

Indefinite Integral – Standard forms – Integration by decomposition of the integrand, integration of trigonometric, algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and Hyperbolic functions– Integration by substitution –Integration of reducible and irreducible quadratic factors – Integration by parts– Definite Integrals and properties, Definite Integral as the limit of a sum – Application of Integration to find areas under plane curves and volumes of Solids of revolution– Mean and RMS values, Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3 Rule for approximation integrals

Differential Equations

Definition of a differential equation-order and degree of a differential equation- formation of differential equations-solution of differential equation of the type first order, first degree, variable-separable, homogeneous equations, exact, linear differential equation of the form dy/dx+Py=Q, Bernoulli‘s equation, nth order linear differential equation with constant coefficients both homogeneous and non-homogeneous and finding the Particular Integrals for the functions e ax, sin ax, cos ax, x m ( a polynomial of m-th degree m=1,2)

Laplace Transformation

Laplace Transforms (LT) of elementary functions-Linearity property, first shifting property, change of scale property multiplication and division by t - LT of derivatives and integrals, Unit step function, LT of unit step function, second shifting property, evaluation of improper integrals, Inverse Laplace transform (ILT)-shifting theorem, change of scale property, multiplication and division by s, ILT by using partial fractions and convolution theorem. Applications of LT to solve ordinary differential equations up to second order only. 

Fourier SeriesDefine Fourier series, Euler’s formulae over the interval (C, C+2π) for determining the Fourier coefficients. Fourier series of simple functions in (0, 2π) and (–π,π). Fourier series for even and odd functions in the interval (–π, π).

Pharmacy Syllabus:

Introduction of different dosage forms

Their classifications with examples - their relative applications, Familiarisation with new drug delivery systems.

Introduction to Pharmacopoeias with special reference to the Indian Pharmacopoeia.

Metrology-Systems of weights and measures. Calculations including conversion from one to another system. Percentage calculations and adjustments of products. Use of allegation method in calculations, Isotonic solutions.

Packaging of pharmaceuticals-Desirable features of a container- types of containers, study of glass and plastics as materials for containers and rubber as a material for closures - their merits and demerits. Introduction to aerosol packaging. 

Size reduction Objectives and factors affecting size reduction, methods of size reduction - Study of Hammer mill, ball mill, Fluid Energy Mill, and Disintegrator.

Study of Hammer mill, ball mill, Fluid Energy Mill and Disintegrator.

Size separation - Size separation by sifting, Official Standard for powders. Sedimentation methods of size separation. Construction and working of cyclone separator.

Mixing and Homogenization – Liquid mixing and powder mixing. Mixing of semisolids,

Study of Silverson Mixer - Homogeniser, planetary Mixer, Agitated powder mixer. Triple Roller Mill, Propeller Mixer, Colloid Mill and Hand Homogeniser. Double cone mixer.

Clarification and Filtration - Theory of filtration, Filter media; Filter aids and selection of filters. Study of the following filtration equipments - Filter Press, Sintered Filter, candles, Metafilter.

Extraction and Galenicals- (a) Study of percolation and maceration and their modification, continuous hot extraction-Applications in the preparation of tinctures and extracts.

(b) Introduction to Ayurvedic dosage forms.

Heat process – Evaporation – Definition, factors affecting evaporation. Study of evaporating still and Evaporating pan.

Distillation – Simple distillation and Fractional distillation; Steam distillation and vacuum distillation, Study of Vacuum still, preparation of purified water I.P. and water of Injection I.P.

Construction and working of the still used for the same.

Introduction to drying process- Study of Tray Dryers; Fluidized Bed Dryer, Vacuum Dryer and Freeze Dryer.


Concept of sterilization and its differences from disinfection. Thermal resistance of micro-organism. Detailed study of the following sterilization processes - Sterilization with moist heat, dry heat sterilization, sterilization by radiation, Sterilization by filtration and Gaseous sterilization 35 Aseptic techniques. Application of sterilization process in hospitals particularly with reference to surgical dressings and intravenous fluids. Precautions for safe and effective handling of
sterilization equipment.
Study of immunological products likes sera vaccines, toxoids & their preparations

Processing of tablets

Definition, Different types of compressed tablets and their properties. Processes involved in the production of tablets; Tablets excipients: Evaluation of tablets; Physical standards including disintegration and dissolution. Tablet coating- sugarcoating; film coating, enteric coating and microencapsulation. (Tablet coating may be dealt in an elementary manner)
Processing of Capsules – Hard and Soft gelatin capsules; different sizes of capsules; filling of capsules; handling, storage of capsules; Special application of capsules.
Dispensing PharmacyPrescriptions: Reading and understanding of prescription: Latin terms commonly used (Detailed study is not necessary), Modern methods of prescribing, adoption of metric system. Calculations involved in dispensing.
Incompatibilities in Prescriptions – Study of various types of incompatibilities – physical, chemical and therapeutic.
Posology – Dose and dosage of drugs, factors influencing dose, calculations of doses on the
basis of age, sex and surface area, Veterinary doses. 
Types of PowdersAdvantages and disadvantages of powders. Granules. Cachets and Tablet triturates. Preparation of different types of powders encountered in prescription Weighing methods, possible errors in weighing, minimum weighable amounts and weighing of material below the minimum weighable amount, geometric dilution and proper usage and care of dispensing balance.
Liquid Oral Dosage FormsMonophasic – Theoretical aspects including commonly used vehicles, essential adjuvant like stabilizers, colourants and flavours, with examples.

Download Pharmacy Syllabus PDF.

Mining Engineering Syllabus:

  • Elements of Mining
  • Mining Geology
  • Method of Workingcoal
  • Methods of Working metal

Mechanical Engineering Syllabus:

  • Workshop Technology, Metrology, and Conventions in drawing
  •  Engineering Materials and Engineering Mechanics
  • Strength of Materials and CAD/CAM
  •  Production Technology

Electrical & Electronics Engineering Syllabus:


Download Electronic Engg. Syllabus PDF.

Chemical Engineering Syllabus:

  • Material technology
  • Mass and Energy Balance
  • Organic Chemical Technology
  • Inorganic Chemical Technology
  • Mechanical unit operations

Electronic & Communication Engineering Syllabus:


Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering Syllabus:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Communications and Linear IC Applications
  • Industrial electronics
  • Electronics

Download Electronics & Instrumentation Engg Syllabus PDF.

Metallurgical Engineering Syllabus:


Civil Engineering Syllabus:

  • Engg Mechanics
  • Strength of Materials
  • Theory of Structures
  • Reinforced Concrete Structures

Download Civil Engg. Syllabus PDF.


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