Institute of Advanced Research Gandhi Nagar (IARU GANDHINAGAR) - Results

Private University


Koba, Gujarat

Private University


Koba, Gujarat

IARU Result 2020: Semester Exam Result, How to check?

Updated On - August 22 2020 by Khusboo

IARU Result 2020: IARU Result for the main exam will be uploaded online at candidate Portal. Students have to access the Student Portal to check the IARU Result. The mobile number and password are required to access through the student portal. Candidates can check the IARU Result to know the total marks, remarks and grade. IARU Result 2020 will be available faculty wise. Candidates can check seat no, subject wise marks, total and result etc on the web. Students can even verify their marks. The semester exam is conducted at the end of each semester. The UserId and Password are required for login. A student shall be considered to pass the examination if he/she has secured minimum passing marks as per the University norms. Candidates can refer to this article to know the steps to check the result and apply for revaluation of answer sheet etc.

IARU Result 2020 Highlights

Candidates can find basic details about the Result of IARU in the following table:

IARU Result Highlights
Name of the UniversityInstitute of Advanced Research
About ExamIARU Exam 2020
Exam CategorySemester
Courses OfferedUG, PG and Doctoral Courses
Exam ModeOffline
Result ModeOnline
Details RequiredCandidates Roll no. or Enrollment Number
Status of ResultNot Released
AddressKOBA INSTITUTIONAL AREA, Gujarat 382426
Official Website
Check out more details about IARU.

How to check IARU Result 2020?

IARU Result is announced just after the successful completion of the University annual examination. A student shall be considered to pass the examination if he/she secured minimum passing marks in the examination. IARU also provides an opportunity for the students to apply for the revaluation/re-totalling/ view of the answer book. The University also conducts the supplementary examinations. Check out the highlight table for IARU Result 2020.
The result has been released by the university at its official website. Candidates should follow these steps to check and download the result of various courses exams of IARU:
  • Visit the IARU official website.
  • Institute of Advanced Research's official website will open.
  • Go to ‘Examination’ and click on ‘Result’ from the given list.
  • Select the type of program like UG/PG/Other courses and class for the result. Click on “Proceed for Result” button.
  • Enter the credentials like ‘Exam Type’, ‘Session’, ‘Exam’ and ‘Roll No’. Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  • Select either “By Main Exam Roll No.” or “By Name & Father’s Name.
  • Enter the User ID, Password, Captcha and click the Login button.
  • Check the result. Download it and take a printout of it for further use.
Note: The university will provide the mark sheet of the candidates.

IARU Result 2020 Details Printed on IARU

Following are the details printed on present on IARU:
  • Examination Name
  • Student’s Name
  • Roll number
  • Father Name
  • Course
  • Semester
  • Subject Code
  • Subject Name
  • Credits obtained
  • Grade Secured
  • Result (Pass / Fail)
  • Result (SGPA)

IARU Result 2020 Revaluation / Re-totaling Of Answer Books

The students are allowed by the university to apply for revaluation/re-totalling/ photocopy of answer books immediately after the announcement of the result. Students can apply through an online portal. For revaluation/re-totalling/ photocopy of answer books, candidates have to pay the fees as prescribed by the University. The results will be declared online after revaluation/re-totalling process. After the valuation, the marks will be entered in front of the examiners. Then, at last, the examiner will check and certify all the marks to the candidates

IARU Result 2020 Supplementary Examination

Supplementary examination for the students who fail in a paper is always conducted by the university. The supplementary exam is conducted for both regular and private courses. Students who wish to apply for the supplementary exam must submit the application form and the requisite fees on or before the last date. The due date should be taken seriously by the candidate as the university does not allow any students's application after it. The university will publish its result on the official website.

IARU Time Table 2020

IARU releases the time table in online mode. The examination of the university will be conducted in the semester. The examinations are conducted at the end of each semester. The examination time table will be released in online mode at the official website. The time table is uploaded in pdf format.
Check out the IARU Time Table 2020.


Institute of Advanced Research also known as University and Institute of Advanced Research, is a private university located in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. The university was established in 2011 by the Puri Foundation for Education in India through The Gujarat Private Universities Act, 2011. The Institute of Advanced Research (IAR) is an innovative modern university, which offers professionally focused undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree programs. IAR was established in 2006 with the support of the President of India Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, who inaugurated the Institute, and the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, who was then the Chief Minister of Gujarat. The University is financially supported by the Puri Foundation for Education in India, established by Professor Nathu Ram Puri, who is a leading industrialist in the UK with manufacturing and other businesses worldwide. The University is a not-for-profit institution and its sole purpose is to promote world-leading education, research, and innovation for young people nationally and internationally.




















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