Shiv Nadar University Greater Noida (SNU GREATER NOIDA) - Scholarship

Private University


Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Private University


Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Shiv Nadar University 2022 Scholarships and Financial aid

Updated On - March 17 2022 by Anusha Pachauri

Shiv Nadar University, Delhi–NCR strongly believes in nurturing and encouraging the brightest minds to transform their lives and become lifelong learners and leaders. The University is committed to help deserving students and do not want finance to be a hurdle in the educational journey of exceptional students. The University offers Financial Aid and Scholarships to students who are selected through the specified admission criteria(s) in undergraduate programs, covering part or full academic and living expenses. The amount of Financial Aid and Scholarship depends upon the total number of applications and the decision of the committee will be final and binding. The details of Financial Aid and Scholarships are given below:
Financial Aid: To apply for a financial aid from Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR, interested candidates can file the application in the application form. Once a candidate is selected through the specified admission criteria(s), he/she will be provided a detailed form to fill-in additional details. Based on the needs of each individual, the financial aid committee of Shiv Nadar University, Delhi–NCR, will make a decision pertaining to the financial aid and inform the respective candidate. The amount of Financial Aid will depend upon the total number of applications and the decision of the committee will be final and binding. All the applicants are required to submit the following documents at the time of submitting the financial aid form: Income Tax Returns of all earning members of the family Address Proof Bank Account Statement of all members of the family School Fee Receipt(s) of the applicant for grade XII School Fee Receipt(s) for the applicant’s sibling Details of Financial Asset(s) owned by the family Company’s Income Tax Returns and Bank Statements (in case any earning member of the family owns a Business)

Application Link: Shiv Nadar University has released the application form for UG and PG programs, find the official website here.


1. Gifted Student Scholarship:

The University attracts outstanding academic rank holders to study under Gifted Student Scholarship. Students with the following ranks are eligible:-

  1. Top 100 rank holders in class 12th from CBSE, ICSE, and Cambridge Board of Education*
  2. IB grade points 42 & above
  3. Top 100 rank holders in class 12th from other State Education Board*
  4. INSPIRE fellows awarded Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)
  5. JEE (Advanced) top 500 ranks
  6. Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) Fellowship holders (Only for School of Natural Sciences Programs)

Students admitted under Gifted Scholarship will be eligible for direct admission based on an interaction with faculty member and approval from the admitting department

*Letter required from the respective board or Class 12th School

2. Rural Scholarship:

The University extends its support to help students from weaker economic background to study in the undergraduate programs with full Scholarship for academic & living expenses. Students have to qualify through the regular selection process.

Students from the following schools are eligible to apply under Rural Scholarship:

Family Income below Rs 3 Lac per annum & the students from following schools

2Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
3Pratibha Vikas Vidyalaya
4Municipal Schools
5Schools in Schedule V regions
6Super 30
7Art of Living Schools
8Udayachal School
9Satya Bharti School
10Kallam Anji Reddy Vidyalaya
11Sarswati Vidya Mandir
12The Suryodaya School
13Isha Vidhya
14Vidya School
15Vidya Vanam School
16Door Step School
17Free School India
18Sri Sathya Sai VidyaKendra

Sports Scholarship:

Students with ranking in their sport from 1 to 100 ranks are eligible to apply. Due weightage shall be given to the Certificates of Winners/Participation at International, National, State level tournaments in respective sports/games recognized by National/International sports bodies of respective sports/games.

It is mandatory for the candidates to qualify the PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST and SPORTS SPECIFIC tests (related to the game/sport of the applicant) conducted by Department of Physical Education and Sports to avail sports scholarship.

List of Sports offered for Scholarship are mentioned below:-

ChessTennisBadmintonSquashTable Tennis

In addition this Team Sports may be considered after the review by sports committee & if the students are representing the country internationally.

*Note: - The amount and number of Scholarships will depend upon the total number of applications and the decision of the committee will be final and binding.

College Board India Scholar:

  1. Must be a resident of India
  2. Family income status < INR 8,00,000 per annum
  3. SAT score equal to or higher than 1300 (out of 1600) that qualifies the test taker as a “Top Performer”
  4. Must have graduated from Class 12 in the year student applies for admission to an Indian Global Alliance member university in India
  5. Must apply to Shiv Nadar University, Delhi-NCR

Financial Aid and Scholarship Retention Criteria:

Students admitted under Financial Aid and various Scholarship categories, have to maintain CGPA 6.5 at the end of every Spring Semester (after consideration of Summer Semester, if any) to retain their scholarships.

Last date to Upload Scholarship documents July 30, 2022


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