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World University of Design, Sonepat (WUD SONEPAT) - Scholarship

Private University


Sonipat, Haryana

Private University


Sonipat, Haryana

WUD Sonepat Scholarship 2020 - Merit Based Scholarship

Updated On - February 10 2020 by Akriti Maurya

World University of Design strongly believes in nurturing and encouraging the brightest minds to transform them into lifelong learners and leaders. To acknowledge such high potential academic achievers, WUD offers generous scholarships covering part/full academic fee for the entire duration of the program. The applicants availing these scholarships will be required to meet the academic and non-academic performance criteria of the university for each semester. The scholarship helps candidates to proceed further for their higher studies.

World University of Design Scholarship 2020

The applicants can check the WUD scholarships below in the given table:

WUD Merit-Based Scholarships

These awards are based on a candidate's academic, artistic, athletic or other abilities and other universities factors like extracurricular activities and community service record. The most common merit-based scholarships, awarded by either private organizations or directly by a student's intended college, recognize academic achievement or high scores on standardized tests. 

WUD UG Merit-Based Scholarships 
CategoriesFor UG Degree ProgrammesDesign/ Fashion/ Communication (Rs)Architecture (Rs)Management (Rs)Visual Art / Performing Arts (Rs)
 Prescribed Academic Fee9,45,0008,40,0005,35,5003,36,000
AScholarship Amount5,67,0005,04,0003,21,3002,01,600
BScholarship Amount3,78,0003,36,0002,14,2001,34,400
CScholarship Amount1,89,0001,68,0001,07,10067,200
WUD PG Merit Based Scholarships 
CategoriesFor PG Degree ProgrammesDesign/ Fashion/ Communication (Rs)Management (Rs)Visual Art / Performing Arts (Rs)
 Prescribed Academic Fee5,25,0009,45,0002,10,000
DScholarship Amount2,10,0003,78,00084,000
EScholarship Amount1,05,0001,89,00042,000

Eligibility conditions for Merit-based Scholarships

CategoriesDesign/ Fashion/ Communication (All UGArchitecture (UG)Visual Art (UG)Management (UG)
  • 90% & above aggregate in 10+2 
  • NID Rank ≤ 500
  • NIFT Rank ≤ 1000
  • UCEED Rank ≤ 500
  •  WUD Entrance Score ≥ 80%
  • 90% & above aggregate in 10+2 
  • NATA Score ≥ 125
  • JEE Paper 2 Score ≥ 240 or ≥95 file
  • 90% & above aggregate in 10+2
  • WUD Entrance Score ≥ 80%
  • 90% & above aggregate in 10+2 
  • CET Rank ≤ 500
  • WUD Entrance Score ≥ 75%
  • 80- 89.9% aggregate in 10+2 
  •  NID Rank 501 – 750
  • NIFT Rank 1001- 1500
  • UCEED Rank 501-750
  • WUD Entrance Score 70-79.9%
  • 80- 89.9% aggregate in 10+2 
  • NATA Score 110-124
  • JEE Paper 2 Score 225-239.9 or ≥90
  • 80-89.9% aggregate in 10+2  WUD Entrance Score 71-79.9%
  • 80- 89.9% aggregate in 10+2 
  • CET Rank 500-700
  • WUD Entrance Score 61-75%
  • 70 to 79.9% aggregate in 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent
  • NID Rank 751 – 1000
  • NIFT Rank 1500-3000
  • UCEED Rank 751-1000
  • WUD Entrance Score 60-69.9%
  • 70 to 79.9% aggregate in 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent
  • NATA Score 100-110
  • JEE Paper 2 Score 210-224.9 or ≥80 file
  • 70-79.9% aggregate in 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent
  • WUD Entrance Score 60-69.9%
  • 170 to 79.9% aggregate in 10+2 of CBSE or equivalent
  • CET Rank 701-1000
  • WUD Entrance Score 50-60%


CategoriesDesign/ Fashion/ Communication (All PG)Visual Art (PG)Management (PG)
  • 80% & above aggregate in Graduation
  • CEED Rank ≤ 500
  • WUD Entrance Score ≥ 80%
  • 80% & above aggregate in Graduation
  • WUD Entrance Score ≥ 75%
  • 80% & above aggregate in Graduation
  • WUD Entrance Score ≥ 80%
  • 80percentile & above in CAT/ XAT
  • 650 & above score in GMAT
  • 320 & above score in GRE
  • 90%tile & above in MAT
  • 85%tile & above in NMAT
  • 70-79.9% aggregate in Graduation
  • CEED Rank 501-1000
  • WUD Entrance Score 70-79.9%
  • 70-79.9% aggregate in Graduation
  • WUD Entrance Score 61-75%
  • 70-79.9% aggregate in Graduation
  • WUD Entrance Score 65-79.9%
  • 70-79.9%tile in CAT/ XAT
  • 550 - 649 score in GMAT
  • 306 - 319 score in GRE
  • 80-89.9%tile in MAT
  • 75-84.9%tile in NMAT
For scholarship recipients
  • For continuation of Scholarship, candidates must meet pre-defined academic standards including maintaining a minimum CGPA of 7.0 and attendance criteria.
  • If a candidate fails to fulfil the scholarship continuation criteria, the scholarship will be withdrawn.
  • The net scholarship amount will be adjusted against the fee payable in the following manner:
    • The 1st-year fee is fully payable.
    • Final Year will be totally free.
    • Remaining scholarship amount will be equally divided in 2, 3 or 4 years depending on the programme duration.
  • Candidates can avail only one scholarship.
  • In aggregate percentage  Fine Arts / Physical Education /  Vocational/ Performing Arts/ Non-written subjects will not be considered.
  • Scholarship amount will not be paid in the cash.
  • Scholarship offers apply only to those students who have appeared for and cleared the Aptitude Test & Interview and their admission is granted.
  • Scholarships will be awarded to 10% of total enrolled strength in each case on a first come first serve basis.

WUD Special Scholarships

The World University of Design, through an exclusive tie-up with an NGO - SAPNAY has instituted the following Scholarships, each worth 20% of total fee amount:

  • Wards of Defense Personnel
  • Wards of Serving Teachers
  • Daughter's Privilege
  • Sports (National Representation)
  • Performing Arts (National Representation)

Award of the above-mentioned scholarships will be governed by the following rules and guidelines-

  • These scholarships would apply to those who will not be covered under merit-based.
  • The total number of scholarships will be limited to 10% of total enrolled strength in each program on a first come first serve basis.
  • The University may ask for additional documents by way of School Certificates, Income Statements, details of examination taken, etc while providing scholarships to the students. The candidate will have to produce the required documents in Original to support the award of scholarship.
  • These Scholarships will be processed only after a student joins the University.
  • To avail these scholarships the students will be required to meet the academic and non-academic performance criteria for each semester. To get the Scholarships in other years, students will have to meet pre-defined academic standards including maintaining a minimum CGPA of 6.50.
  • The net scholarship amount will be adjusted against the fee in the following manner:
    • The First-year fee is fully payable.
    • Final Year will be totally free with 100% of the annual fee being adjusted against scholarship.
    • Remaining scholarship amount will be equally divided in 2nd, 3rd or 4th years depending on the duration of the programme.

World University of Design Education Loan

WUD has a tie-up with Axis Bank and Credenc Web Technologies for providing educational loan to the students securing admission to the institute. Disbursement of the loan is as per the Axis Bank and Credenc Web Technologies terms and conditions. Those candidates who want to avail education loan for higher studies can contact the concerned department of the university to get the same.

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