GATE Common Offer Acceptance Portal
Created On - March 15 2022 by Nistha Sethi
The Books along with the authors have been listed down for the candidates along with the different courses. Please read the following article for a view.
GATE Topics | Books and Author |
Engineering Mathematics | Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth Rosen |
Theory of Computation | An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata by Peter Linz |
Computer Organization & Architecture | Computer Architecture – A Quantitative Approach by Hennessy and Patterson Computer Organization and Embedded systems by Carl Hamacher |
Programming & Data Structures | Classic Data Structures by Debasis Samanta The C Programming language by Dennis Richie |
Digital Logic | Digital Electronics by S. Salivahanan & S. Arivazhagan Digital Design by Morris Mano |
Computer Networks | Computer Networks by Peterson & Davie Data Communications and Networking by Kurose & Ross and Behrouz A. Forouzan |
Algorithms | Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen Data Structures & Algorithms by R.S. Salaria |
Compiler Design | Compiler Design in C by Allen I Holub Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools by Aho & Ullman |
Operating System | Operating Systems by Stallings Operating System Concepts by Galvin |
Databases | Database System Concepts by Henry. F. Korth Normalization and indexing by Shamkant B. Navathe |
GATE 2022 Topics | Books |
Design of Machine Elements | Machine design - V.B. Bhandari |
Engineering Mechanics | Engineering Mechanics by Bhavikatti Engineering Mechanics by R K Rajput Engineering Mechanics by Beer and Johnston |
Fluid Mechanics | Fluid Mechanics by R K Bansal Fluid & Hydraulics - Modi and Seth |
Heat Transfer | Heat Transfer by Cengel and Holman Heat and Mass Transfer by J P Hollman and R C Sachdeva |
Strength of Materials | Strength of Materials by Gere and Timoshenko, B C Unamia, Sadhu Singh, Ramamrutham |
Industrial Engineering | Industrial Engineering by O P Khanna, Buffa and Sarin |
Manufacturing Engineering | Production Technology: Manufacturing Processes, Technology and Automation by R.K. Jain |
Strength of Materials | Strength of Materials - Gere & Timoshenko |
Theory of Machines | Theory of Machines by Ratan |
Thermal Science | Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag |
Thermodynamics | Engineering Thermodynamics by P K Nag and Rajput Thermodynamics by Cengel. |
Vibrations | Mechanical Vibration by Grover |
Topics | GATE Books |
Engineering Mathematics | Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E.Kreyszig |
Networks | Engineering Circuit Analysis by Hayt & Kemmerly |
Signal and systems | Signals and Systems by Oppenheim & Wilsky Signals and Systems by Nagoor Kani |
Electrical Machine | Electrical Machinery by P.S.Bimbhra |
Control system | Control Systems Engineering by Nagrath & Gopal |
Measurement | Electrical and Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation by AK Sawhney |
Circuit analysis | Transient Analysis Of Electric Power Circuits by Arieh L Shenkmann and also Chakrabarthi |
Analog | Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad |
Digital Circuits | Digital Design by M.Morris Mano |
Electro Magnetics | Elements of Electromagnetics by Mathew N. O. Sadiku Engineering Electromagnetics by William .H.Hayt |
Power Electronics | For Beginners - Power Electronics by MH Rashid Power Electronics by P.S.Bimbhra |
Power system | Power Systems Engineering by Nagrath & Kothari Power Systems by JB Gupta & CL Wadhwa |
GATE Reference Books | Authors |
General Aptitude | Quantitative Aptitude by CAT by Arun Sharma, Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Agarwal |
Control System | Control Systems by Nagarath and Gopal Control Systems Engineering by Norma Nise |
Network | Network Theory by Alexander Sadiku Network Analysis by Van Valkenburg Circuit Theory by A.Chakraborty |
Electronic Devices | Electronic Devices and Circuits by Millman & Halkias, Semiconductor Physics And Devices by Donald A. Neamen, Solid state electronic devices by Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Banerjee |
Signal Systems | Digital Signal Processing by S.K Mitra, Modern digital and analog Communications system by BP Lathi, Signals & Systems By Alan V. Oppenheim |
Analog Circuits | Analog Electronics, Electronics devices and circuits – Donald A Neaman, Microelectronics Circuits by Sedra & Smith, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Robert L Boylestad & Nashelsky, Pulse and Digital Electronics by Millman and Taub |
Communication System | Analog and Digital Communication System by Simon Haykin, Principle of Communication System by Taub & Schillings, Modern digital and Analog Communications system by BP Lathi, Electronic Communication Systems by Kennedy and Davis (just the Noise chapter) |
Digital System | Digital Logic and Computer Design by M.Morris Mano, Digital circuits and design by Salivahanan Fundamentals of digital systems by Anandkumar, Digital Electronic Principles and applications by Ronald J. Toccii, Pearson Publications |
Electromagnetics | Elements of Electromagnetics by Matthew N.O. Sadiku Network lines and fields by J.D ryder (Transmission lines part) Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems by Jordon and ballmain Antenna Theory by Balanis |
GATE 2022 Topics | Authors |
Theory of Structure | CK Wang, S. Rammamrutham, L.S. Negi & Jangit |
Theory of Elasticity | Timoshenko & Gere |
Theory of Structure | Wilbur & Norris |
Strength of Materials/Mechanics of Structure | Gare & Timoshenko, E. Popove, L. Singer, B.C. Punamia, Rammamrutham |
Soil Mechanics | Gopal Ranjan & Rao, Venkat Ramaiha, S. K. Garg, B.C. Punamia, V N S Murthy |
Steel Design | Kazimi Zindal to improve concepts; for numerals L.S. Negi and for other topics – S.K. Duggal |
Reinforced Concrete Structures Design (RCC) | Krishna Raju, PC Verghese, Pillai & Menon |
Railway Engineering | Subhash And Satyapal |
Pre-stressed Concrete | Krishna Raju |
Reinforced Concrete | Ashok K Jain |
Water Resources | S K Garg |
Transportation | Justo Khanna |
Geo-tech Engineering | Gopal Ranjan and Rao, R.F. Craig |
Environmental Engg | SK Garg (1&2), Peavy-Rowe |
Highway Engineering | Khanna |
CPM-PERT/ Construction Tech | BC Punmia, Peurifoy |
Fluid Mechanics & Machines | RK Bansal, Modi & Seth |
Highway/ Pavement & Traffic | Khanna & Justo, Kadiyali |
Railway & Airport | Saxena & Arora |
Surveying | KR Arora; BC Punmia |
Build materials | ML Gambhir; BC Punmia; MS Shetty |
Irrigation | SK Garg |
Topics | GATE 2022 Recommended Books and Author |
Mathematics | Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig |
Network Theory | Engineering Circuit Analysis by Steven M. Durbin, Jack E. Kemmerly , William H. Hayt |
Transducers | Introduction to Measurements and Instrumentation by Arun K Ghosh |
Signals and Systems | Signals And Systems (Schaum’s Outline Series) by H P HSU Signals & Systems by Alan V. Oppenheim |
Communication Systems | Modern Digital and Analog Communication System by B P Lathi |
Electrical and Electronic Measurements | A Course In Electrical And Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation by A K Sawhney |
Analog Electronics | Fundamentals of Microelectronics by Behzad Razavi GATE - Electronics & Communication by R K Kanodia |
Control System | Automatic Control Systems by B C Kuo |
Process Control | Process Control: Modeling, Design, And Simulation by B. Wayne Bequette |
20 Mar 2023
19 May 2023