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WBJEE - Exam Pattern

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination

Pen & Paper Mode

WBJEE 2023 Exam Pattern: Question Paper, Marking Scheme, Mode of Exam

Updated On - September 27 2022 by Swagota Nandi

WBJEE 2023 Exam Pattern is issued by WBJEEB in online mode on the official website. The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination is a state-level examination conducted by the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board. This examination gives the appearing candidates an opportunity to take admissions into government institutions, self-financed institutions and a few private universities. A proper knowledge about the exam pattern, marking scheme, etc. helps the candidate extract the maximum score from the paper. The article in the further paragraphs gives a deeper knowledge about the examination pattern of WBJEE 2023. 

Latest Update

  • WBJEE 2023 Entrance Exam is going to be held on 30 April 2023.

WBJEE 2023 Exam Pattern

Candidates can check the WBJEE Exam Pattern 2023 given below:

  • Mode of examination: The examination will be conducted in the offline mode in an OMR based pattern of examination. 
  • Subjects: The examination would have questions from mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects. 
  • Duration: The examination will be for a duration of two hours for each paper. 
  • Number of shifts of the examination: The examination will be conducted in two shifts; one in the morning and another in the afternoon. Paper 1 – 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM and Paper 2 – 2:00 – 4:00 PM. The morning paper would be of completely Mathematics and the afternoon paper consists of questions from Physics and Chemistry. 
  • Type of questions: The exam would consist of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with only one option as the correct answer. 
  • Marking scheme: Each correctly answered question carries one mark in category I and two marks in category II.  There is negative marking in WBJEE.
  • Answering mode: Since the examination is OMR based, the candidates are required to mark the answers with a blue or black ball point pen that would be provided at the time of examination by the WBJEE Board. 
The following is the subject wise weightage for WBJEE 2023:
Number of Questions
Total Questions
Total Marks
Category I
Category II
Category III


Each question from the first category carries one mark, from the second category carries two marks and from the category contains two marks for each correct answer. The detailed marking scheme is given in the next section. 
The below is a section-wise, detailed marking scheme for the WBJEE 2023 examination:
Only of the options given is a correct answer. There will be one mark for each correct answer. 1/4th marks i.e, 25%of the marks will be deducted for a wrong answer. Bubbling more than one option on the OMR sheet is considered invalid and wrong and negative marks shall be awarded for the same. No marks will be given or deducted for questions not attempted. 
Only of the options is a correct answer. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark. For each wrong answer, ½ marks i.e, 50% of the marks shall be deducted. Marking more than one answer for the same question shall be considered invalid and wrong. Negative marking shall be done for the same. An unanswered question does not carry any marks i.e, no marks shall be awarded or deducted. 
A question from the third category contains questions with one or more than one correct answers. Each correct answer shall be awarded two marks completely. A combination of correct and wrong answers shall be awarded zero marks. Partially correct answers shall be awarded 2 times the number of correct answers. 
For example, if for a question, the correct answers are A, B and C, 
  • If a candidate marks A, B and C as the answers, he would be awarded 6 marks in total (2 marks each for each option). 
  • If a candidate choses options like A and D or B and D or C and D or A, B, C and D, they would be awarded zero marks since a wrong answer in involved in the options.
  • If a candidate choses options like A or B or C or A, B or A, C or A, B or B, C etc., the candidate will be awarded         2 x (number of correct answers chosen). 
The following are the general instructions for a candidate appearing for WBJEE 2023:
  • Candidates appearing for the examination must have a clear and complete knowledge about the exam pattern, marking scheme, syllabus and important topics beforehand to enhance better preparation. 
  • Candidates are advised to reach the examination centre one hour before the examination time to avoid traffic or other issues that occur during the examination times. 
  • Visiting the examination centre one day before the examination, helps the candidate find an easy and lesser time-consuming route beforehand. 
  • Electronic gadgets including calculators shall not be allowed into the examination hall and candidates are advised to not possess the same. 

WBJEE 2023 Book Recommendation

Below is the list of books that candidates can use while preparing for the WBJEE 2023 entrance exam:

SubjectsName of the Books
  • NCERT Physics for class X & XII
  • The concept of Physics by H.C. Verma
  • Understanding Physics series by D.C. Pandey
  • Concepts of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT by Agarwal
  • NCERT Chemistry for class X & XII
  • Physical Chemistry by O.P Tandon
  • Inorganic Chemistry by O.P Tandon
  • Concepts of Organic Chemistry by O.P Tandon
  • Organic Chemistry by Arihant
  • Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
  • NCERT Maths for class X & XII
  • Mathematics by R.S. Aggarwal
  • Objective Mathematics by R.D. Sharma


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