SSC CGL - Syllabus

Staff Selection Commission - Combined Graduate Level Examination

SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus: Subject & Section-wise PDF, Question Paper

Updated On - March 31 2023 by Divyansh K

SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus will be decided by State Selection Commission(SSC). Candidates are advised to check the syllabus first, before starting the preparation for the exam. SSC CGL is a national level exam conducted by State Selection Commission(SSC) with the purpose to select candidates for posts in Group B and C in various ministries, departments or organizations of the Government of India. State Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level(SSC CGL) is conducted in four tiers. The first two tiers will be conducted in online mode and the rest of the two will be conducted in offline mode. Read this complete article to get more knowledge about SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus.

SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus

The syllabus of SSC CGL 2023 as prescribed by the official authority is mentioned below.

SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus Tier-1
General Intelligence and Reasoning: It will include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. This section will include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, Space visualization, Spatial Orientation, Problem-solving, Analysis, judgment, Discrimination, observation, concepts of relationships, Arithmetical reasoning, Arithmetic number series, nonverbal series, Coding, decoding, Statement conclusion, Semantic Classification, Symbolic or number classification, Semantic series, number series, Word building, Numerical operations, Address matching, date and city matching. There are so many topics covered under General Intelligence and Reasoning.
General Awareness: Questions in this section are conducted to test a candidate's general awareness of the environment around him. Questions will be designed to test candidate's knowledge in current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect. The test will include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially History, culture, and geography.
Quantitative Aptitude: It includes topics such as Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Time and distance, Triangles, Circles, Quadrilaterals, Polygons, Sphere, Cylinder, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram, Pie chart, whole numbers, decimals, trigonometric ratios. There are so many topics covered under quantitative aptitude.
English Comprehensive: This section includes questions to check the English ability of a candidate, his/her writing ability.
SSC CGL 2023 Syllabus Tier-2
Paper-1 Quantitative Abilities: This paper will include topics such as whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentage, ratio and proportion, profit and loss, Square roots, Discount, partnership business, Interest, Profit and loss, Triangles, Circles, Quadrilaterals, Polygons, Sphere, Cylinder, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram, Pie chart, trigonometric ratios, Standard Identities, Cylinder, Complimentary angles and there are so many topics.
Paper-2 English Language and Comprehension: This includes questions on topics such as fill the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, improvement of sentences, direct and indirect narration, shuffling of the sentence, Cloze passage, spot the error, active/passive voice and so more.
Paper-3 Statistics:  It includes questions on topics such as collection, classification, and presentation of data, Measure of central tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Correlation, probability, Sampling theory, movement, skewness, Kurtosis, Regression, Random variable, Statistical interference, Analysis of variance, Index numbers. There are so many topics and their sub-topics as well that include in this section.
Paper-4 General Studies- Finance and Economics: This includes two parts.

Part A Finance and Accounts: It includes financial accounting, basic concepts of accounts and their sub-topics as well. 

Part B Economics and Governance: It includes comptroller and auditor general of India, Basic concepts of economics, Theory of demand and supply, Theory of production and cost, Forms of Market and price determination in different markets, Indian economy, economic reforms in India, Money, and banking, the role of information technology in governance. 

SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern of SSC CGL 2023 of Tier-1 is mentioned below.

SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern Tier-1
Mode of examOnline Mode
Time duration1 hour
Total number of questions100
Type of questionsMultiple Choice Questions(MCQs)
Marks for every right answer+2 marks will be allotted for every right answer
Negative Marking-0.5 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer
Section NameNumber of questions
General awareness25
General intelligence and reasoning25
English comprehensive25
Quantitative aptitude25

The exam pattern of SSC CGL 2023 of Tier-2 is mentioned below.

SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern Tier-2
Mode of examOnline Mode
Time duration2 hour
Total number of questions400
Type of questionsObjective type questions
Marks for every right answer+1 marks will be allotted for every right answer
Negative Marking-0.25 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer
Section NameNumber of questions
Paper-1 quantitative aptitude100
Paper-2 language and comprehension200
Paper-3 Statistical100
Paper-4 finance and accounts100

The exam pattern of SSC CGL 2023 of Tier-3 is mentioned below.

SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern Tier-3
Mode of examOffline Mode(Pen and paper-based test)
Time duration1 hour
Type of questionsDescriptive typed questions
Language Either English or Hindi
Negative MarkingThere is no negative marking in descriptive type questions.
Distribution of questions
Mode of examSchemeTotal marks of the exam
Offline mode- Pen and paper-based Descriptive questions in English or Hindi and candidates have to essay, letters or applications.100

SSC CGL 2023 Preparation Tips

Some preparation tips for candidates regarding SSC CGL 2023 are listed below.

  • Clarify the Syllabus: The first step is that candidates must know about the examination pattern and syllabus for the examination. Candidates must get a clear idea about their weak and strong sections from the syllabus.
  • Clear basics: Before jumping direct into the tricks and tips of the exam, candidates must know the basics of the topics. Tricks may be used for some topics. However, basic concepts and formulas can be used for more topics.
  • Practice and repeat: Each topic that a candidate study in a day must be revised properly. Without revising, it is not possible to keep important points in mind.
  • Practice from mock tests and previous year questions: Candidates are advised to practice for the exam with the help of mock tests and previous year question papers. It will help not only in preparation but also helps candidates to get to know about important questions to be asked in the papers.

SSC CGL 2023 Eligibility Criteria

There are 4 important criteria that a candidate must fulfill in order to be eligible for the SSC CGL 2023. The 4 parameters are given below:

1. Citizenship: The candidate must be a citizen of India.
2. Age Limit (as on 01/01/2023): There are different sets of age limits for different posts in the SSC CGL Exam 2023, which are tabulated below:
Age groupName of postDepartment / MinistriesClass FictionGrade pay
18-27 yearsAuditorOfficer under C&AGGroup “C”2800
AuditorOfficer Under CGDAGroup “C”2800
AuditorOther Ministries/Dept.Group “C”2800
AccountantOfficer under C&AGGroup “C”2800
Accountant / Junior AccountantOther Ministry/ Dept.Group “C”2800
Senior Secretariat Assistant / Upper Division clerksCentral Govt. offices Ministries other than CSCS cadresGroup “C”2400
Tax AssistantCBDTGroup “C”2400
Sub-InspectorCentral Bureau of NarcoticsGroup “C”2400
Upper Division Clerk (UDC)Dte. General Border Road Organisation (MoD)
Only For Male Candidates
Group “C”2400
18-30 yearsInspector PostsDepartment of Post.Group “B”4600
AssistantOther ministries / Dept. / Org.Group “B”4600
20-27 yearsTax AssistantCBECGroup “C”2400
20-30 yearsAssistant Section officerCentral Secretariat ServiceGroup “B”4600
Assistant Section officerMinistry of RailwayGroup “B”4600
Assistant Section officerMinistry of External AffairsGroup “B”4600
Assistant Section officerAFHQGroup “B”4600
AssistantOther Ministries / Dept. / Org.Group “B”4600
Sub InspectorCentral Bureau of InvestigationGroup “B”4600
Not Exceeding 30 yearsInspector, (Central Excise)CBECGroup “B”4600
InspectorCentral Bureau of NarcoticsGroup “B”4600
AssistantOther ministries / Dept. / Org.Group “B”4200
Inspector (Preventive officer)CBECGroup “B”4600
Inspector (Examiner)CBECGroup “B”4600
Assistant Audit OfficerIndian Audit & Accounts Department Under CAGGroup B Gazetted (Non-Ministerial)4800
Assistant Audit OfficerIndian Audit & Accounts Department under CAGGroup B Gazetted (Non-Ministerial)4800
Assistant Section OfficerIntelligence BureauGroup “B”4600
Assistant Section OfficerOther Ministries / Departments/ Organisations.Group “B”4600
Assistant / SuperintendentOther Ministries / Departments/ OrganisationsGroup “B”4200
Inspector of Income TaxCBDTGroup “C”4600
Divisional AccountantOfficer under CAGGroup “B”4200
Up to 30 yearsAssistant Enforcement OfficerDirectorate of Enforcement, Department of RevenueGroup “B”4600
Sub InspectorNational Investigation Agency (NIA)Group “B”4200
Up to 32 yearsJunior Statistical OfficerM/O statistics & Prog. ImplementationGroup “B”4200

The requirement of age for various posts is as follows:

S.NoAge LimitRemarks
1For the posts for which age limit is 18-27 yearsCandidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1994 and not later than 01-01-2003.
2For the posts for which age limit is 20-27 yearsCandidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1994 and not later than 01-01-2001.
3For the posts for which age limit is 20-30 yearsCandidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1991 and not later than 01-01-2001.
4For the posts for which age limit is up to 30 yearsCandidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1991 and not later than 01-01-2003
5For the post for which age limit is up to 32 years Candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-01-1989 and not later than 01-01-2003.

2. Age Limit:The Government has also provided for Age relaxation for some categories.

S.NoCategoryAge Relaxation permissible beyond upper age limit 
1OBC3 years
2ST/SC5 years
3PH + Gen10 years
4PH + OBC13 years
5PH + SC/ST15 years
6Ex-Servicemen (Gen)3 years
7Ex-Servicemen (OBC)6 years
8Ex-Servicemen (SC/ST)8 years
3. Educational Qualification (as on 23/01/2023): The educational qualifications varies according to the post for SSC CGL 2023 and is listed below:
SSC CGL PostEducational Qualification
Assistant Audit OfficerEssential Qualifications:Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University. 

Desirable Qualification: CA/CS/MBA/Cost & 
Management Accountant/ Masters in Commerce/ 
Masters in Business Studies
Junior Statistical Officer (JSO)Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University 
with minimum 60% in Mathematics in Class 12th 
Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with Statistics as 
one of the subjects in graduation
Compiler PostsBachelor’s Degree from any recognized University 
with Economics or Statistics or Mathematics as 
compulsory or Elective Subject
All Other PostsBachelor’s Degree in any discipline from a 
recognized University or equivalent

4. Physical Fitness Requirements: Apart from the above, there are certain requisite Physical Standards for Inspector (Central Excise/ Examiner/Preventive Officer), Sub-Inspector in CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) and Sub-Inspector in NIA (National Investigation Agency).

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